Feature to disable the creation of each output file
niemasd opened this issue · 3 comments
I am trying to use DWGSIM to simulate multiple replicates of WGS Illumina reads at 30x coverage on hg19, which creates massively large files. However, for my purposes, I don't care about the .bfast.fastq
files (I only care about .bwa.read1.fastq
and .bwa.read2.fastq
), but because DWGSIM creates all of the files, I end up wasting space and cannot run as many in parallel because I need to wait for the running ones to finish, then delete everything I don't need and gzip .bwa.read1.fastq
and .bwa.read2.fastq
, then kick off more.
It would be a nice feature to be able to disable creating each of the output files so that I would be able to disable everything except for the .bwa.read1.fastq
and .bwa.read2.fastq
files that I want, which would more than halve the space taken by the output
Sounds like a useful feature. Unfortunately I don't have a timetable for when I would look at implementing it (this is all Pro Bono), but I will keep it here in case I have spare time. I always welcome pull requests.
Excellent, thanks so much for the quick implementation!