ROS2 package for the radar_cable_follower
For publication information, see:
For hardware setup, see:
launch radar_cable_follower
Maximum number of concatenated pointclouds (if not using downsampling):
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node concat_size 200
Leaf size of voxel grid (if using downsampling):
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node leaf_size 0.75
Rate at which pointcloud is reduced (fixed or downsampling). 10/downsample_rate Hz, higer value is lower frequency, 1 is fastest.
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node downsample_rate 5
Height above ground below which all points are ignored (meters) (float
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node ground_threshold 1.5
Points closer to the drone than this threshold are ignored (meters) (float
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node drone_threshold 0.5
"Radius" of square around drone in which points are considered (meters) (float
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node cluster_crop_radius 20.0
Rate at which pointcloud is cropped. 10/crop_rate Hz, higer value is lower frequency, 1 is fastest.
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node crop_rate 5
Parallelism constraint when doing 3D line fit (degrees) (float
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node line_model_parallel_angle_threshold 10.0
Maximum distance when looking for inliers during 3D line fit (meters) (float
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node line_model_distance_threshold 1.5
Minimum number of inliers required for a line model (float
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node line_model_inlier_threshold 10.0
Whether to use voxel grid downsampling or remove oldest points after concat_size
is reached (string
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node voxel_or_time_concat "voxel"
Whether to use highest point or line fit model following (string
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node line_or_point_follow "point"
Whether sensor points upwards or downwards (string
: upwards
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node sensor_upwards_or_downwards "downwards"
Rate at which pointcloud is processed (concat, reduce, analyze). Higer value is lower frequency, 1 is fastest. (int
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node _add_crop_downsample_rate 10
Ratio with which current powerlines are updated with new measurement (float
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node tracking_update_ratio 0.01
Distance below which a match is considered during tracking (float
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node tracking_update_euclid_dist 1.5
Maximum elevation angle of radar sensor. If a measurement is outside this angle it will be ignored (float
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node radar_elevation_fov 40.0
Maximum azimuth angle of radar sensor. If a measurement is outside this angle it will be ignored (float
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node radar_azimuth_fov 120.0
Command to clear global point cloud (bool
ros2 param set /radar_pcl_filter_node reset_global_point_cloud false
"Proportional gain" in target yaw fractional controller (float
ros2 param set /offboard_control yaw_frac 0.25
"Proportional gain" in target position fractional controller (float
ros2 param set /offboard_control pos_frac 0.5
Distance to powerline during following (meters) (float
ros2 param set /offboard_control powerline_following_distance 10.0
Speed of drone during powerline following. Negative is reverse direction (m/s) (float
ros2 param set /offboard_control powerline_following_speed 1.0
ID of detected powerline to follow (int
ros2 param set /offboard_control powerline_following_ID -1
Take off to height if set before entering offboard mode. If below 1, will instead align with powerlines in offboard mode (float
ros2 param set /offboard_control take_off_to_height 0.0