
TI's mmWave ROS2 package adapted for ROS2 Foxy

Primary LanguageC++

TI mmWave ROS2 Package (adapted for ROS2 Foxy)

Adapted from: https://git.ti.com/cgit/mmwave_radar/mmwave_ti_ros/tree/ros2_driver

Install & Run

git clone https://github.com/nhma20/ti_mmwave_rospkg_foxy.git
  1. Move directories serial-ros2-master, ti_mmwave_rospkg, and ti_mmwave_rospkg_msgs into the src folder of your ROS2 workspace.
  2. Source your ROS2 underlay
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
  1. build workspace normally, or selectively with --packages-up-to (--packages-select does not work).
colcon build --packages-up-to ti_mmwave_rospkg
  1. Source your ROS2 overlay
source install/setup.sh
  1. Plug in TI mmWave radar device and launch
ros2 launch ti_mmwave_rospkg 6843AOP_custom2.py


See ti_mmwave_rospkg readme.