
Python ROS2 pointcloud retriever for TI XWR6843 mmWave devices

Primary LanguagePython

XWR6843 simple ROS2 package


Python ROS2 pointcloud retriever for XWR6843 mmWave devices

Derived from: https://github.com/nhma20/iwr6843aop_pub


  • ROS2 (Ubuntu 18.04.5 & dashing tested // Ubuntu 20.04.3 & foxy tested)
  • Python3 (3.6.9 & 3.8.10 tested)
  • XWR6843 mmWave radar device (e.g. IWR6843ISK or IWR6843AOPEVM) flashed with out-of-box firmware (either from this repo or inside downloaded mmwave_industrial_toolbox_x_x_x/labs/Out_Of_Box_Demo/prebuilt_binaries/ folder. Use uniflash to flash device (e.g. https://training.ti.com/hardware-setup-iwr6843isk-and-iwr6843isk-ods)). Set up switches as seen here:


  1. Clone the repo to workspace
    cd ~/ros2_ws/src/
    git clone https://github.com/nhma20/xwr6843_ros2.git
  2. Colcon build package
    cd ~/ros2_ws/
    colcon build --packages-select xrw6843_ros2


  1. Plug in XWR6843 device, make sure ports match (default /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1)

  2. Run ros package (make sure /opt/ros/dashing/setup.bash and <ros2_workspace>/install/setup.bash are sourced)

    ros2 run xwr6843_ros2 pcl_pub

    or with ROS2 parameters:

    ros2 run xwr6843_ros2 pcl_pub --ros-args -p cli_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 -p data_port:=/dev/ttyUSB1 -p cfg_path:=/home/nm/ros2_ws/src/iwr6843isk_ros2/cfg_files/90deg_noGroup_18m_30Hz.cfg -p frame_id:=test_frame -p radar_azimuth_fov:=120

    or launch with default parameters:

    ros2 launch xwr6843_ros2 default_parameters.launch.py 

    When loading a cfg with a different antenna configuration than the previous, XWR6843 devices must be power cycled - can be done easily by simply unplugging and replugging the USB cable.

  3. Visualize with rviz

  4. 'Add' a new display (lower left corner)

  5. Select 'By topic' ribbon

  6. Find 'xwr6843_pcl PointCloud2' and add it

  7. (Optional) Set point size at PointCloud2 -> Size (m) to 0.1 for better clarity


All functional code (for the purpose of this ROS2 package) is located at


Two .cfg files are provided which dictate the functionality of the mmWave device. More profiles can be made with the mmWave Demo Visualizer tool: https://dev.ti.com/gallery/view/mmwave/mmWave_Demo_Visualizer/ver/3.5.0/