
🔤 A list of all the public package names on npm. Updated daily.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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A list of all the public package names on npm.

  • Includes scoped packages
  • Updated daily


npm install all-the-package-names --save


The module exports a big flat array of package names:

const names = require("all-the-package-names")

// => true

// Check if a given package name exists
// => false

// => 286289

names.filter(name => name.includes('banana'))
// => [ 'banana', 'banana-banana', 'banana-split', ...]

// Note: This example requires node 4 or greater because it uses
// const, arrow functions, and the `includes` array/string helper.

CLI Usage

You can also use it on the command line. Newline-delimited names are piped to STDOUT:

npm i -g all-the-package-names
all-the-package-names | grep spell

⚠️ Gotchas

Note that while mixed-case package names are no longer allowed to be published to the npm registry, there are over 2800 legacy mixed-case packages, many of which have the same spelling as other existing lowercase packages. See nice-registry/mixed-case-package-names for the the full list.

To avoid the mixed-case names when working with this data, just filter them out:

const names = require('all-the-package-names')
  .filter(name => name === name.toLowerCase())


npm install
npm test



Dev Dependencies

  • all-the-package-repos: Normalized repository URLs for every package in the npm registry.
  • is-number: JavaScript/Node.js utility. Returns true if the value is a number or string number. Useful for checking regex match results, user input, parsed strings, etc.
  • tap-spec: Formatted TAP output like Mocha's spec reporter
  • tape: tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
