- 2
Working PHP API Code?
#68 opened by huseyinergen - 0
Nicehash miner
#74 opened by anggacyberdua3 - 0
- 0
#72 opened by anggacyberdua3 - 2
Getting Error Invalid session (1010)
#69 opened by HarshilS-RSW - 0
- 3
- 3
Enable CORS support
#64 opened by Clavum - 3
- 3
- 1
- 17
Please provide PHP example
#4 opened by undert03 - 2
- 1 not working, was not tested
#43 opened by jbrepogmailcom - 0
C# Nuget package for Rest Client available here.
#57 opened by zimbres - 0
get account insufficient permissions
#55 opened by Mahrkeenerh - 1
/main/api/v2/mining/rig/stats/algo maximum range
#53 opened by UbuJW - 17
- 1
Java Sample Returning JsonSyntaxException
#51 opened by phamsarah - 2
HMAC Signature Calculation
#23 opened by NOCTLJRNE - 4
aide api GET /main/api/v2/mining/rig2/{rigId}
#50 opened by mickael59 - 1
- 4
Problem with parameters, malformed request
#46 opened by jbrepogmailcom - 8
body for POST request malformed
#42 opened by jbrepogmailcom - 3
Any ideas on implementing for R?
#39 opened by JimboMahoney - 1
Invalid Session - WITHDRAWAL
#44 opened by vreabernardo - 0
C# sample app
#41 opened by jernejk - 5
C# API sample broken
#30 opened by SajeewaD - 4
- 3
- 1
JavaScript getting invaild session when posting
#36 opened by gccpsben - 2
Getting error code 10 on withdrawl
#35 opened by encloinc - 1
Withdrawal API not work
#33 opened by fxaxt - 1
what is temperature unit from API GET /main/api/v2/mining/rig2/{rigId} RIG DETAILS
#29 opened by egmsystems - 3
#28 opened by mukeshpiplai - 4
Exchange Order API
#27 opened by hersheyslover - 1
Error 2000 Invalid session
#25 opened by quant-ru - 1
Lazarus client, Indy package for HTTP requests
#22 opened by xelaxin - 1
c# client got an exception {"Unexpected JSON token when reading DataTable. Expected StartArray, got StartObject. Path '', line 1, position 1."}
#19 opened by noobookbig - 4
Malformed request
#18 opened by faneaatiku - 0
- 1
Java example with time rage
#12 opened by pawelantczak - 2 wrong path to the endpoint
#14 opened by frstrtr - 2
- 4
Error getting profitability info
#13 opened by donghoonChoe - 4
Invalid Session in the bash
#8 opened by mcsham - 1
Income Projections
#9 opened by jawiv - 1
API key generation doesn't work
#11 opened by mr-older - 1
Invalid Session code 2000 in Python
#10 opened by ultraloser - 1