sudo apt-get install cmake libsuitesparse-dev libeigen3-dev doxygen graphviz
Note that you may install libsdl1.2-dev but maybe unstable in Virtualbox
ROS Package
$ git clone
$ cd lab9-isam
$ source
$ cd catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
Uncomment lines 72~84 in lab9-isam/catkin_ws/src/isam/CMakeLists.txt
$ catkin_make
Run the Examples
For examples/example.cpp
$ rosrun isam isam_example
For examples/covariances.cpp
$ rosrun isam isam_covariances
1. Factor graph
Please draw the diagram of the example.cpp graph. How many nodes and factors are in the factor graph?
2. Covariance Matrix and Jacobian Matrix
Could you explain the relationship between Covariance Matrix and Jacobian Matrix (see covariances.cpp, line 71-81.) Do you know how to compute Jacobian matrix from the covariance matrix?
3. Covariance Matrix in the Factor Graph in 1.
What are the dimensions of the covariance matrix of the factor graph in example.cpp? Please show the covariance matrix in terminal.