
This ros pkg is based on moos-ros-bridge. We change the CmakeList from rosbuild to catkin.

How to run

Clone this repo to your catkin_ws/src. For example

$ cd
$ mkdir -p moos-ros-bridge/catkin_ws/src
$ cd moos-ros-bridge/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone 
$ cd ../
$ caktin_make

First terminal
$ roscore
Second terminal
Third terminal, remind to source the setup.bash
$ roslaunch moosros_tester counter.launch
Fourth terminal, see the data from ros to moos
$ uXMS CounterFromROS
Fifth terminal, see the data from moos to ros
$ rostopic echo /CounterFromMOOS
Sixth terminal, send the msg
$ uPokeDB CounterFromMOOS=23