
This is an example of how to use ROSforLabview add-on in Labview to communicate with ROS. Specifically, this repo has Labview VIs to publish twist messages to the /cmd_vel topic to control a Cleartpath Husky. It also has VIs to subscribe to the /odometry/filtered and /scan topics to read and plot the Husky's position and laser scan measurements.

Primary LanguageLabVIEW


This is an example of how to use ROSforLabview add-on in Labview to communicate with ROS. Specifically, this repo has Labview VIs to publish twist messages to the /cmd_vel topic to control a Cleartpath Husky. It also has VIs to subscribe to the /odometry/filtered and /scan topics to read and plot the Husky's position and laser scan measurements. For a full tutorial on how to implement this code, refer to Clearpath's tutorials: http://www.clearpathrobotics.com/assets/guides/ros/ROSforLabVIEW.html