
A Siamese Deep Neural Network to compute RNA secondary structure embeddings

Primary LanguagePython

StrusiNet2: RNA Structure Embedding Generator


StrusiNet2 is a tool designed to generate embeddings from RNA secondary structures using a pre-trained Siamese Neural Network model. This project takes RNA sequences with their secondary structure in dot-bracket notation, processes them into contact matrices, and then feeds them into a neural network to obtain meaningful embeddings. These embeddings can be used for downstream tasks such as clustering, classification, or other forms of analysis.

Repository Structure

The repository contains the following key components:

  • src/model/siamese_model.py: Contains the Siamese neural network definition.
  • src/model/utils.py: Utility functions for processing RNA data.
  • strusinet.py: Main script for generating embeddings from RNA secondary structures.
  • tsne_embedding_tool.py: A script to visualize generated embeddings using t-SNE.
  • tests/test_model.py and tests/test_strusinet.py: Unit tests for ensuring the model and the whole embedding generation process work correctly.


To run the StrusiNet2 project, you will need Python and the required dependencies installed.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/nicoaira/StrusiNet2.git
cd StrusiNet2

Step 2: Set Up the Environment and Install Dependencies

It is recommended to use a conda environment to manage dependencies and ensure compatibility. Follow these steps to create a new conda environment with Python 3.12.7 and install the necessary dependencies.

1. Create a new conda environment:

conda create --name strusi_env python=3.12.7

2. Activate the conda environment:

conda activate strusi_env

2. Install the dependencies

With the environment activated, install all necessary dependencies using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Dependencies include:

  • torch==2.4.1
  • torchvision==0.19.1
  • pandas==2.2.3
  • numpy==2.1.2
  • scikit-learn==1.5.2
  • argparse==1.4.0
  • tqdm==4.66.5

Ensure that the versions match those in the requirements.txt

Step 3: Download Pre-trained Model

The pre-trained model file (ResNet-Secondary.pth) is not included in this repository due to its size. Please download it using the command below:

# Download the model from Google Drive and save it in the 'saved_model' directory
mkdir -p saved_model
wget -O saved_model/ResNet-Secondary.pth "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1ltrAQ2OfmvrRx8cKxeNKK_oebwVRClEW"


StrusiNet2 can generate embeddings from RNA sequences stored in a CSV file.

Input Format

The input file should be a CSV containing at least one column with the RNA secondary structure in dot-bracket notation.

Running the Embedding Generation Script

To generate embeddings from an RNA dataset:

python strusinet.py --input example_data/sample_dataset.csv --output example_data/sample_dataset_with_embeddings.tsv


  • --input: Path to the input CSV/TSV file containing RNA secondary structures.
  • --output: Path to save the output TSV file with embeddings.
  • --structure_column_name: The column name containing RNA secondary structures (default: 'secondary_structure').
  • --structure_column_num: (Optional) Column number of RNA secondary structures (0-indexed). If both column name and number are provided, column number will be ignored.
  • --model_path: Path to the trained model file (default: saved_model/ResNet-Secondary.pth).
  • --device: Device to run the model on (cpu or cuda, default: cpu).
  • --header: Specify whether the input CSV has a header row (True or False, default: True).

Example Command

If your CSV doesn't have a header and the secondary structure is in the 6th column:

python strusinet.py --input example_data/sample_dataset.csv --output example_data/sample_dataset_with_embeddings.tsv --structure_column_num 6 --header False --device cuda

Running the t-SNE Embedding Tool

After generating the RNA embeddings, you can use the compute_tsne.py script to visualize the embeddings using t-SNE.

Example Command

python compute_tsne.py --input example_data/sample_dataset_with_embeddings.tsv --output example_data/sample_dataset_with_tsne.tsv --embedding_column_name embedding_vector --n_components 3


  • --input: Path to the input TSV file containing embeddings (e.g., example_data/sample_dataset_with_embeddings.tsv).
  • --output: Path to save the output TSV file containing the t-SNE-transformed embeddings.
  • --embedding_column_name: The name of the column containing the embedding vectors.
  • --n_components: Number of components for t-SNE (e.g., 2 for 2D visualization, 3 for 3D visualization).


  • The script reads the specified embedding_column_name from the input file and performs t-SNE transformation with the specified number of components.
  • The resulting transformed embeddings are saved to the output file, which can then be used for downstream visualization and analysis.

Interactive Visualization with Dash

We have also developed an application using Dash to visualize the t-SNE embeddings interactively. You can find the app in the following repository: https://github.com/nicoaira/embeddings_app.

Running the Tests

You can run the tests using:

python -m unittest discover tests

This will run both the unit tests for the model and the integration tests for the embedding generation pipeline.

Important Notes

  • Ensure you have the correct PyTorch version installed that supports your GPU if you're using CUDA.
  • If you encounter any issues with the pre-trained model, please make sure to check the Google Drive link and download it correctly.