Here is a Screenshot of the demo app. Please be indulgent, the purpose is not to do something that is nice to see
This sample app is based on Framework7 cordova vue js template (cordova-template-framework7-vue-webpack)
It includes BlinkId for document Scanning :
It also uses the following plugins :
cordova-plugin-screen-orientation to lock the orientaiton of the screen
cordova-plugin-secure-key-store to store RSA keys and tokens
cordova-plugin-file for local storage of captured images
For encryption purpose, it uses cryptoJs Package ( and jsrsasign ( )
Finally, it uses DropBox SDK JS for storage of images in Dropbox :
The integration of this sdk is based on the following tutorial :
Please note that, as of today, this sdk doesn't work when downloading from dropbox in browser environement. I made a fork ( ) and a pull request ( dropbox/dropbox-sdk-js#173 ) with a fix proposal discussed with them. Currently, I made a workaround (see main.vue) using temp link and cordova-plugin-file-transfer.
- Install Cordova, fetch this repository and navigate to the project directory.
- Then, you need to prepare BlinkID plugin. To do that, follow the steps taht are on their github ( :
Clone or Download the repository
Don't forget to install git-lfs !
Initialize the iOS framework:
cd BlinkID ./ cd ..
Add the BlinkID plugin to your project:
cd <path_to_your_project> cordova plugin add <blinkID_plugin_path>
You can then add your platform, for example :
cordova platform add ios
- Finally, you have to create a file named "keys.json" in the src folder, and fill it with your keys.