
A Linux command line to kill half processes running on your computer. ̶D̶i̶s̶passionately.


A Linux command line to kill half processes running on your computer with the snap of your fingers.

Simply place this line in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc etc... :

alias thanos="ps -eo pid | xargs -I{} bash -c 'if [ \$((RANDOM%2)) -eq 0 ]; then echo \"{} dies\" && kill -9 {}; else echo \"{} lives\";fi'"

then call the thanos command and hit enter. All your running processes will be candidate for immolation with a 50% probability regardless of their CPU usage, wealth, skin color etc... freeing your CPU for the others to prosper.

You may optionnally call it with sudo to purify root or other people's processes too.


Use it when your CPU is overwhelmed and you don't have any data to lose or a robot running in real life depending on your PC's state. And if the idea of blasting your OS really makes you feel good.

Other than that, don't use it. It's stupid.