
Tensorflow-based framework which lists attentive implementation of the conventional neural network models (CNN, RNN-based), applicable for Relation Extraction classification tasks as well as API for custom model implementation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Open In Colab

AREnets -- is an OpenNRE like project, but the kernel based on tensorflow library, with implementation of neural networks on top of it, designed for Attitude and Relation Extraction tasks. AREnets is a result of advances in Sentiment Attitude Extraction task but introduced in generalized form and applicable for other relation-extraction related classification tasks. It provides ready to use neural networks and API for subjectobject pairs classification in a given samples. This project is powered by AREkit core API, squeezed into a tiny kernel.



pip install git+https://github.com/nicolay-r/AREnets@master

Quick Start

Open In Colab

Simply just open and follow the google-colab version like IDE to modify the train and inference code of provided tutorial:

The complete examples are in tutorials folder.

First of all, prepare your _data folder with data required for training model and performing inference.

More on input features could be found here.


from arenets.quickstart.train import train
from arenets.enum_name_types import ModelNames

train(input_data_dir="_data", labels_count=3, model_name=ModelNames.CNN, epochs_count=10)

Runs cnn model with 10 epochs for 3-class classification problem; all the model-related details will be stored at _data model by default.


from arenets.quickstart.predict import predict
from arenets.arekit.common.data_type import DataType
from arenets.enum_name_types import ModelNames

predict(input_data_dir="_data", output_dir="_out", labels_count=3, model_name=ModelNames.CNN, data_type=DataType.Test)

Predict test results for pre-trained cnn model and saves them into _out folder

Models List


Test Details

This project has been tested under the following setup:

  • NVidia GTX-1060/1080 TI
  • CUDA compilation tools, release 10.0, V10.0.130
  • Python 3.6.9
  • Pandas 0.25.3 (Optional, only for CSV reading)
  • Pip freeze package list

How to cite

Our one and my personal interest is to help you better explore and analyze attitude and relation extraction related tasks with AREnets. A great research is also accompanied with the faithful reference. if you use or extend our work, please cite as follows:

  author={Nicolay Rusnachenko},
  title={{AREnets}: Tensorflow-based framework of attentive neural-network 
         models for text classfication and relation extraction tasks},