
Visualise any possible elementary cellular automaton, where N is the Wolfram code

Primary LanguagePython


Rule-N is a script that let's you visualise any possible elementary cellular automaton, where N is the Wolfram code


The script has 2 arguments, rule and length (len for short)

rule is the rule the cellular automaton will follow

lenth is the amount of cells the automaton will have, in other words, the length of the list of cells

Running the script without arguments will default to rule 110 with a length of 60 cells

To pass in a rule or length, use the --flag or --length/--len followed by the desired value


Arguments: 10 generations, length of 20

python3 rule-n.py --len 20 --rule [example]

Length was hardcoded, argument to be implemented in the future

Rule 18

         # #        
        #   #       
       # # # #      
      #       #     
     # #     # #    
    #   #   #   #   
   # # # # # # # #  
  #               # 
 # #             # #

Rule 22

        #   #       
       ### ###      
      #       #     
     ###     ###    
    #   #   #   #   
   ### ### ### ###  
  #               # 
 ###             ###

Rule 30

        ##  #       
       ## ####      
      ##  #   #     
     ## #### ###    
    ##  #    #  #   
   ## ####  ######  
  ##  #   ###     # 
 ## #### ##  #   ###

Rule 60

          # #       
          #   #     
          ##  ##    
          # # # #   
          #       # 
          ##      ##

Rule 110

       ## #         
     ##   #         
    ###  ##         
   ## # ###         
  ####### #         
 ##     ###         


  • Custom number of generations rather than a forever loop
  • Custom delay
  • Custom seed