- 1
- 1
Annotation link not working
#29 opened by godfrey-cw - 2
Old version of COCO-stuff 2017
#27 opened by davidhalladay - 2
Noun Annotations
#26 opened by Delphboy - 2
About the stuff categories annotation.
#25 opened by JimmyMa99 - 1
Questions about the license
#24 opened by chophilip21 - 1
Checking labels from the png maps
#23 opened by buncybunny - 2
Annotation link broken
#22 opened by TimDarcet - 1
- 3
- 1
What is the range of the labels?
#19 opened by CoinCheung - 2
test sets available?
#18 opened by dmadras - 2
- 2
Stuff dataset .
#16 opened by Zhangwenyao1 - 3
- 3
How can I produce colored maps during testing?
#14 opened by Ha0Tang - 3
Question about confusion matrix indices
#13 opened by zacurr - 4
COCO stuff 2017 version for downloading
#12 opened by superkoma - 1
Undefined label index in COCO stuff
#11 opened by johnwlambert - 1
taxonomy plotting utility
#10 opened by coder47040 - 5
deploy.prototxt unavailable
#2 opened by shridharkini6 - 1
Image titles mismatch
#9 opened by JadBatmobile - 1
- 1
Label values shifted by 1
#7 opened by Hugstar - 2
- 1
Can you provide 0-171 label table?
#6 opened by WJtomcat - 2
data link died
#4 opened by HRLTY - 1
164K or 328k?
#3 opened by icoxfog417 - 1
Link to annotations broken?
#1 opened by ravi-teja-mullapudi