
Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the CNN used to predict the cleaning trajectories in the paper:

N.Cauli, P.Vicente, J.Kim, B.Damas, A.Bernardino, F.Cavallo, and J.Santos-Victor, “Autonomous table-cleaning from kinesthetic demonstrations using Deep Learning,” in Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) and Epigenetic Robotics (EpiRob), IEEE, 2018.

The network is able to predict, from images, mean vectors and covariance matrices of a mixture of gaussians that represent 2D cleaning trajectories. The Gaussian Mixture Regression (GMR) algorithm is used to extract the estimation of the cleaning trajectories. To have more information about the architecture please refer to the ICDL-EpiRob 2018 paper. If you use any of this code, please cite this publication.


In order to run the code you need to install few dependencies:


First clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/nigno17/iCubClean.git

Second download and unzip the repository inside the folder datasetICDL-JINT (if you want more information about the dataset please go to the link and refer to Robot Table Cleaning v2):

cd iCubClean
mkdir datasetICDL-JINT
cd datasetICDL-JINT
wget http://soma.isr.ist.utl.pt/vislab_data/cleaning_tasks/datasetICDL-JINT.zip
unzip datasetICDL-JINT.zip
rm datasetICDL-JINT.zip

Run the training:

cd <local_path_to_the_repository>
python CleaningNetwork.py


If you want to visualize the loss training and validation error through the epochs and an example of a bach of images used for training run a visdom server:

python -m visdom.server

Then open in a browser the following link: http://localhost:8097