
Source-free unsupervised domain adaptation(UDA) as Noisy label learning | HLCV SS 2021 Project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Contrast to Adapt: Noisy Label Learning with Contrastive Warmup for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation​

In this work we try to solve the problem of source-free unsupervised domain adaptation(UDA), where we have access to pre-trained source data model and unlabelled target data to perform domain adaptation. Source-free UDA is formulated as a noisy label learning prob-lem and solved using self-supervised noisy label learning (NLL) approaches. The proposed method involves generating pseudo-labels on target dataset using a pre-trained model, fol-lowed by self-supervised learning of unlabeled target data with contrastive loss and NLL with DivideMix. The detailed report can be found here.

Overview of the proposed method


1. Training model on source and Noisy label generation

Using source data (Xs, Ys), we create pre-trained classification model f. Then, generate pseudo-labels (Yt) using the pre-trained model and unlabeled target data (Xt)


  1. Download datasets from follwing links:

    1. SVHN http://ufldl.stanford.edu/housenumbers/
    2. MNIST https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cZ4vSIS-IKoyKWPfcgxFMugw0LtMiqPf/view?usp=sharing
    3. USPS (in data folder) https://github.com/mil-tokyo/MCD_DA/tree/master/classification/data
  2. Create a folder name 'data' and put all downloaded datasets in it

Pairs of dataset to be used:


** use --help token with python file to know more about the parameters.


python train_model.py --source usps --target mnist --all_use yes 

Command for inference (noisy label generation):

python eval_model.py --source usps --target mnist --load_epoch 190 --save_json --all_use yes

2. SimCLR on Target data

Self-supervised learning of unlabeled target data (Xt) with contrastive loss, using SimCLR. We use the encoder trained in an unsupervised fashion on the contrastive learning task to initialize the networks for DivideMix.


conda activate simclr
python run.py -data ./datasets -dataset_name svhn --log-every-n-steps 5 --epochs 100

Change dataset_name flag as mnist, svhn, or usps for different datasets.

3. DivideMix (Noisy label learning)

Learning with noisy labels using DivideMix, obtaining (Xt,Yt’). Warmup stage of DivideMix is initialized with SimCLR trained network from the previous step. The main component of the architecture of DivideMix are shown below.


  1. Place noisy label .json file in noisy_labels directory.
  2. Save SimCLR model under pretrained folder
  3. Training:
python3 main_cifar.py --num_epochs 1 --batch_size 4  --r 0.8 --lambda_u 500 --dataset mnist --p_threshold 0.03 --data_path ./noisy_labels --experiment-name simclr_resnet18 --method selfsup --net resnet50


Inference on target dataset using pre-trained source model​

Dataset (Source -> Target) Accuracy (%)
MNIST -> USPS 71.95
SVHN -> MNIST 60.28
USPS -> MNIST 63.53

Top-1 accuracy for SimCLR contrastive training

Dataset Architecture Accuracy (%)
MNIST resnet18 96.77
USPS resnet18 81.54
CIFAR10 resnet18 99.80
CIFAR10 resnet50 99.61

Accuracy for DivideMix (NLL) training

Dataset Architecture Accuracy (%)
MNIST resnet18 96.77
USPS resnet18 81.54
CIFAR10 resnet18 99.80
CIFAR10 resnet50 99.61

Ablation Study for DivideMix. Training DivideMix with self (MNIST, USPS) and external data (CIFAR10)-based SimCLR warmup

UDA Task SimCLR Architecture Accuracy (%)
MNIST -> USPS USPS resnet18 94.36
SVHN -> MNIST MNIST resnet18 90.85
USPS -> MNIST MNIST resnet18 90.59
MNIST -> USPS CIFAR10 resnet18 98.06
SVHN -> MNIST CIFAR10 resnet18 94.04
USPS -> MNIST CIFAR10 resnet18 91.81
MNIST -> USPS CIFAR10 resnet50 97.41
SVHN -> MNIST CIFAR10 resnet50 92.57
USPS -> MNIST CIFAR10 resnet50 91.17

Performance of our method on digits datasets compared to other state-of-the-art methods.

CDAN [6] 95.6 89.2 98.0
ADR [7] 93.2 95.0 96.1
MCD [8] 96.5 96.2 94.1
STAR [9] 97.8 98.8 97.7
SHOT [10] 97.9 98.9 98.2
SSNLL [1] 97.1 99.3 98.8
SSNLL (no preprocessing) ~57 ~93 ~70
Pre-trained Source Model - 71.95 60.28 63.53
Contrast to Adapt (OURS) 98.04 94.04 91.81

Our result is reported as average of three repetitions. ✓ denotes source-based UDA and ✕ denotes source-free UDA. The best results for each task has been highlighted in bold.


This code has been written for the High Level Computer Vision (HLCV) course project at Saarland University for Summer Semester 2021. Following are the contributors:


We would like to acknowledge the following code repositories on which our code is based: