
A Kubernetes Controller that watches ConfigMaps

Primary LanguageGo

Kubernetes ConfigMap Controller

This is a project to build a Kubernetes Controller from scratch using the Watcher method. It is a Controller that watches for the creation of new ConfigMaps.

How to run it

This project has the following dependencies. Make sure to install these locally before proceeding.

  • kind
  • direnv is used (it's the .envrc file) to export the KUBECONFIG environment variable in your shell.

Follow the following steps to spin up this application.

  1. Do make up to spin up a cluster called playground using kind.

  2. Build the binary with make build.

  3. Run the application with make run.

  4. In a separate terminal, create a ConfigMap out of the manifest in ./manifests/configmap.yaml and deploy it to your local kind cluster:

kubectl create configmap joke --from-file=./manifests/configmap.yaml


Here are some of the resources that helped me along the way that I would like to credit: