
Configs for vim, tmux, fish and gnome-terminal.

Primary LanguageShell


Configs for vim, tmux, fish and gnome-terminal.

1. Install the necessary packages

The below command uses apt for everything. If you would like to install newer versions for some of the packages, install them separately and omit then from the command.

sudo apt install vim fish tmux dconf-tools dconf-gsettings-backend dconf-cli dconf-service uuid-runtime

2. Install configuration

The below file gets and sets up the dotfiles directory in $HOME/.dotfiles and puts $HOME under version control. Use the alias dotfiles as you would otherwise use git afterwards. Intalls configurations for vim, tmux, fish and gnome-terminal.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nilsbore/dotfiles/master/.scripts/install.sh | bash

3. Update gnome-terminal theme

Go to gnome terminal settings and switch to the "Nord" profile as the default. In the Nord profile's configuration, switch to the SauceCodePro Nerd Font Regular 12 font. If you would like to use another font, you need to use a nerd-patched font, e.g. from the nerd fonts repo.

4. Switch to fish shell

Use the below command to switch from e.g. bash to fish. Log out and in again for the change to take effect.

chsh -s /usr/bin/fish

5. Install helix editor

Install rust.

Then install helix:

git clone https://github.com/helix-editor/helix
cd helix
cargo install --path helix-term

And copy the runtime folder to config: cp -r runtime ~/.config/helix. Then install the python language server: pip3 install 'python-lsp-server[all]'.

6. Activate vim plugins

Open vim, type :PluginInstall and press Enter. This will install all Vundle plugins. If you would like YouCompleteMe type completion, execute the .scripts/install_ycm.sh script, and restart vim.

7. Activate tmux plugins

Open tmux and press ctrl+B and then I. This will install plugins using tpm.

8. If using WSL

Install font from here and choose SauceCodePro NF in Windows terminal.

Copy Nord colorscheme from here into your Windows terminal config file and choose as the colorscheme to use in the OS profile setting.