Prototype for simulating the SAM auv in stonefish. This is a work in progress and support for the full SAM vehicle is not there yet. Right now we support the following actuator commands:
sets position of LCG weight 0-100%/sam/core/rpm_cmd
sets rpm of the two thrusters, forward is positive/sam/core/thrust_vector_cmd
sets vertical and horizontal angle of thrusters
Let us start by installing the dependencies.
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev libglew-dev libfreetype6-dev tmux python3-vcstool ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-py-trees-ros ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-pid
If you are on Ubuntu 16.04, you need to use vim (or other editor) to open the file
sudo vim /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/SDL2/sdl2-config.cmake
and then remove space after "-lSDL2 ". On 18.04 this is not needed.
Installing with vcstool
Using the python3-vcstool
dependency, we can install all of
the packages outlined below with one simple command in our
folder. If you only have access to the public
repos (i.e. you're not a member of the SMaRC project), use the command:
curl | vcs import --recursive
Otherwise, if you have access to
, issue:
curl | vcs import --recursive --w 1
in your catkin_ws/src
folder. This may take a few minutes, so be patient.
You can now go to your catkin_ws
and use catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
to build all of the packages needed for the simulation. No need for the build and clone
steps below. Instead, skip to the running section.
Minimum requirements (manual)
Now go into the catkin workspace where you want to build the simulation,
or create a new workspace. In the src
folder, execute the commands,
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd stonefish_ros
git submodule update --init
This is everything you need if you just want to run the base sim (see below).
Requirements for planner (manual)
These packages are needed if you want to run the full stack including mission planning with Neptus and controlling the vehicle to follow the plan.
git clone
git clone
When you fetched what you want, run catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
and make sure to
source your workspace devel/setup.bash
wherever you want to run this.
Base sim with teleop
Just run
roslaunch sam_stonefish_sim base_simulator.launch
and control the vehicle like normal, with w
for forwards, s
for stop
and the arrow keys for controlling the direction.
Mission planning with neptus
roslaunch sam_stonefish_sim mission_simulator.launch
to start everything that's needed for the simulator and interfacing with neptus. Some guidance for how to add SAM to neptus can be found here. It is basically the same as the BTS tutorial and I think @KKalem is working on more extensive documentation for that that would be just as relevant here.
Robot-like interface
The robot interface also requires sam_common
, see above.
Apart from that, you will need flexxros,
including dependencies, and also the private sam_controllers
pip3 install flexx rospkg
pip3 install tornado==5
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-rosmon
git clone -b new_topics
git clone
You then have to make sure to source your workspace in your ~/.bashrc
, i.e. something like:
source /path/to/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
You will now be able to run the robot interface, including controllers with
rosrun sam_stonefish_sim
Go to localhost:8097
in your web browser and start the nodes there and steer the actuators!