
Stonefish - an advanced C++ simulation library dedicated for (but not limited to) marine robotics.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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An advanced simulation tool developed for marine robotics.

Stonefish is a C++ library which wraps around Bullet Physics library to deliver intuitive simulation of marine robots in realistic scenarios. It is directed towards researchers in the field of marine robotics but can as well be used as a general robot simulator.

Stonefish includes advanced hydrodynamics computation based on actual geometry of bodies to better approximate hydrodynamic forces and allow for effects not possible when using symbolic models. The rendering pipeline, developed from the ground up, delivers realistic rendering of atmosphere, ocean and underwater environment. Special focus was put on the latter, where effects of wavelength-dependent light absorption and scattering were considered (other simulators often use only blue fog).

Stonefish can be used to create standalone applications or combined with a ROS package stonefish_ros, which implements simulator templates and facilitates easy integration with ROS architecture.

There are two sources of documentation for the library: a repository Wiki and a doxygen generated website, based on comments in the code (instructions below).


  1. Dependencies

    • Bullet Physics library (version 2.88, from source)
      1. git clone https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3.git -b 2.88
      2. cd bullet3
      3. mkdir build
      4. cd build
      6. make -j4
      7. sudo make install
    • OpenGL Mathematics library (libglm-dev, version >=
    • SDL2 library (libsdl2-dev, may need the following fix!)
      1. Install SDL2 library from the repository.
      2. cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/SDL2/
      3. sudo vim sdl2-config.cmake
      4. Remove space after "-lSDL2".
      5. Save file.
  2. Building

    1. Clone stonefish repository.
    2. cd stonefish
    3. mkdir build
    4. cd build
    5. cmake ..
    6. make -j4
    7. sudo make install
  3. Documentation

    1. Go to "stonefish" directory.
    2. doxygen doxygen
    3. Open "docs/html/index.html".


This software was written and is continuously developed by Patryk Cieślak. Small parts of the software based on code developed by other authors are marked clearly as such.

If you find this software useful in your research, please cite:

Patryk Cieślak, "Stonefish: An Advanced Open-Source Simulation Tool Designed for Marine Robotics, With a ROS Interface", In Proceedings of MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2019, June 2019, Marseille, France

   author = {Cie{\'s}lak, Patryk},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2019},
   title = {{Stonefish: An Advanced Open-Source Simulation Tool Designed for Marine Robotics, With a ROS Interface}},
   month = jun,
   year = {2019}}


This work was part of a project titled ”Force/position control system to enable compliant manipulation from a floating I-AUV”, which received funding from the European Community H2020 Programme, under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 750063. The work is continued under a project titled ”EU Marine Robots”, which received funding from the European Community H2020 Programme, grant agreement no. 731103.


This is free software, published under the General Public License v3.0.