A Matlab / GNU Octave toolbox for running cognitive neurophysiology and neuroimaging experiments that involve PsychToolbox, DataPixx, and (optionally) TDT or OpenEphys hardware devices.
- anne-uraiLeiden, The Netherlands
- chris-zielinskiCentre de Ressources pour l'expérimentation @ Institute of Langage, Communication and the Brain
- CongliWANGPrinceton University
- cwtsamNanyang Technological University
- emidUniversidad de Salamanca
- hanyf-psych
- hashtagcptToronto, Hamilton, Cambridge, Brooklyn, Reading, Cambridge, Boston, Quincy, Cambridge
- Hobart10
- majorpooper
- neurochen
- niallwUniversity of Maryland, College Park
- quantumdotRutgers University
- raffaelemazziotti
- setegonz
- SriniVestVestibulum Technologies Private Limited
- steveharoz
- stopcontrol