
`n4_correct` from `early_b0ref_wf` fails on some subjects

josephmje opened this issue · 4 comments


N4BiasFieldCorrections fails on a subset of participants in one dataset that I've been testing. The subjects were all scanned on a Siemens Prisma.

What I Did

N4BiasFieldCorrection \
  --bspline-fitting [ 200 ] -d 3 \
  --input-image /output/sub-CMPP998/early_b0ref_wf/dwi_reference_wf/enhance_and_skullstrip_dwi_wf/n4_correct/sub-CMPP998_ses-01_dwi_b0_mcf_ref_scaled.nii.gz \
  --mask-image /output/sub-CMPP998/early_b0ref_wf/dwi_reference_wf/pre_mask/sub-CMPP998_ses-01_dwi_b0_mcf_mask.nii.gz \
  --output sub-CMPP998_ses-01_dwi_b0_mcf_ref_corrected.nii.gz -r

When running with the --verbose flag, I get the following error:

Description: itk::ERROR: N4BiasFieldCorrectionImageFilter(0x2c89620): Inputs do not occupy the same physical space!
InputImage Spacing: [8.0000000e+00, 8.0000000e+00, 8.0000000e+00], InputImage_1 Spacing: [8.0000000e+0              0, 7.9999995e+00, 7.9999909e+00]
        Tolerance: 8.0000000e-06

@josephmje please have a look to nipreps/niworkflows#600 - much of what you are saying here will definitely surface on that undertaking.

Can you share some data? (or be ready to test the new developments as they arrive??)


EDIT: I actually meant nipreps/niworkflows#601

@oesteban sorry for the late reply on this. i'd be happy to share some data. do you have a preferred method for receiving them?

#169 should've addressed this - could you test @josephmje ?

@oesteban I'm running into the same error with our hcph-pilot data, a deep sampling dataset with 16 sessions on a single individual.

At first, I wondered whether this error was a consequence of running only the anatomical workflow and then the dwi workflow. But given that @josephmje seemed to face it with subjects also scanned on a Siemens Prisma, maybe it's a problem of dMRIPrep being unable to handle data from this scanner.