Meeting 09/29 - Agenda
oesteban opened this issue · 1 comments
oesteban commented
- @arokem - could you generate a new recurring meeting zoom link so next time we are not cut off after 40 minutes?
- @josephmje will put together a tutorial proposal for ISBI 2021 (deadline: 09/25).
- Proposal for BrainHack Donostia: @oesteban will report back after meeting with @CesarCaballeroGaudes and @eurunuela:
- Interest on dMRIPrep
- Will there be timezones?
- BIDS/IntendedFor/FieldMap correction strategies: perhaps we need a wide extension of BIDS to support sophisticated DWI protocols? - Follow up on #43 and check bids-standard/bids-2-devel#39 before for context.
arokem commented
You should have received a calendar invite with a new zoom link (this one has a URL).