
DerivativesDataSink not preventing gzip mtime from being set, leading to non-deterministic file checksums

effigies opened this issue · 2 comments

As reported by @glatard on Mattermost, NIfTI images (sub-032633/ses-001/anat/sub-032633_ses-001_run-1_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_desc-preproc_T1w.nii.gz) are being produced with identical uncompressed contents but different compressed checksums. This is almost certainly the mtime being set because NIfTI images are being written by nibabel in this section:

self._results["compression"].append(_copy_any(orig_file, str(out_file)))
is_nifti =
(".nii", ".nii.gz")
) and not".dtseries.nii", ".dtseries.nii.gz"))
data_dtype = self.inputs.data_dtype or DEFAULT_DTYPES[self.inputs.suffix]
if is_nifti and any((self.inputs.check_hdr, data_dtype)):
# Do not use mmap; if we need to access the data at all, it will be to
# rewrite, risking a BusError
nii = nb.load(out_file, mmap=False)
if self.inputs.check_hdr:
hdr = nii.header
curr_units = tuple(
[None if u == "unknown" else u for u in hdr.get_xyzt_units()]
curr_codes = (int(hdr["qform_code"]), int(hdr["sform_code"]))
# Default to mm, use sec if data type is bold
units = (
curr_units[0] or "mm",
"sec" if out_entities["suffix"] == "bold" else None,
xcodes = (1, 1) # Derivative in its original scanner space
xcodes = (
(4, 4) if in STANDARD_SPACES else (2, 2)
if curr_codes != xcodes or curr_units != units:
self._results["fixed_hdr"][i] = True
hdr.set_qform(nii.affine, xcodes[0])
hdr.set_sform(nii.affine, xcodes[1])
# Rewrite file with new header
overwrite_header(nii, out_file)
if data_dtype == "source": # match source dtype
data_dtype = nb.load(self.inputs.source_file).get_data_dtype()
except Exception:
f"Could not get data type of file {self.inputs.source_file}"
data_dtype = None
if data_dtype:
if self.inputs.check_hdr:
# load updated NIfTI
nii = nb.load(out_file, mmap=False)
data_dtype = np.dtype(data_dtype)
orig_dtype = nii.get_data_dtype()
if orig_dtype != data_dtype:
f"Changing {out_file} dtype from {orig_dtype} to {data_dtype}"
# coerce dataobj to new data dtype
if np.issubdtype(data_dtype, np.integer):
new_data = np.rint(nii.dataobj).astype(data_dtype)
new_data = np.asanyarray(nii.dataobj, dtype=data_dtype)
# and set header to match
nii = nii.__class__(new_data, nii.affine, nii.header)

I would suggest we move to the following approach:

img = None
if <detect need to modify header>:
    img = <create img>

if img is not None:
    <write img deterministically>
    <copy file with gzip cleaning>

This is an LTS-affecting bug, so any fix should target niworkflows 1.3.4.

This solution nipy/nibabel#1023 (comment) could actually make the non-deterministic file checksum a non-issue.
lmk @effigies

Yes, if you want to use tail -c 8 as a check, that seems fine to me. I still think that a deterministic checksum is a good idea.