- 3
Release procedure does not create a GitHub release
#222 opened by arokem - 9
numpy 2.0 compatibility
#218 opened by effigies - 1
Test failure on aarch64
#219 opened by effigies - 2
Test failures for 32 bit architectures
#214 opened by tillea - 2
Could you provide `aarch64` wheels?
#216 opened by hoechenberger - 2
New release
#211 opened by effigies - 4
TypeError: ufunc 'true_divide' output (typecode 'd') could not be coerced to provided output parameter (typecode 'l') according to the casting rule ''same_kind''
#133 opened by ignatenkobrain - 6
- 0
Test with Python 3.12 / numpy 1.26
#202 opened by effigies - 2
nitime not installing in Jupyter
#186 opened by CelienI - 1
`test_FilterAnalyzer` fails with scipy 1.8.0
#197 opened by risicle - 2
`test_psd_matlab` fails with matplotlib 3.6.2
#198 opened by risicle - 3
I can't install nitime with pip
#196 opened by servoz - 8
- 3
- 14
MIssing plots in granger_fmri.html
#173 opened by justbennet - 1
- 3
nitime.analysis.coherence.MTCoherenceAnalyzer causing an error when fed with bandwidth parameter
#188 opened by liorgolgher - 0
will it work for multivariate time series prediction both regression and classification
#187 opened by Sandy4321 - 2
Error when Installing
#162 opened by adumudaliar - 2
Spike Train Coherence
#167 opened by ahwillia - 1
broken scipy.misc import
#168 opened by jmay0504 - 3
nitime does not work after installed
#177 opened by manmanw - 2
What is the Entropy Estimation Based on?
#182 opened by xanderdunn - 3
Failing tests with nibabel 3.2.0
#181 opened by jonringer - 1
- 5
[32bit] nitime.tests.test_timeseries.test_basic_slicing: npt.assert_equal(len(t[ep]), x)
#136 opened by ignatenkobrain - 11
- 3
detect_lines is documented incorrectly
#164 opened by bjarthur - 5
- 9
[32bit] Calling TimeArray.min() .max(), mean() should return TimeArrays: assert getattr(b, f)().__class__ == ts.TimeArray
#137 opened by ignatenkobrain - 3
nodes contour missing in drawmatrix_channels
#153 opened by grjd - 0
- 11
pip install problem with numpy
#141 opened by oesteban - 1
RuntimeWarning: Breaking due to iterative meltdown in nitime.utils.adaptive_weights.
#132 opened by apiszcz - 3
nitime.viz import error, ImportError: 'No module named mpl_toolkits.axes_grid'
#129 opened by apiszcz - 3
- 3
Dynamical Granger Causality Analysis
#126 opened by dongqunxi - 0
Refer to github more prominently on webpage
#116 opened by arokem - 7
Memory error of GrangerAnalyzer
#123 opened by dongqunxi - 1
Race condition provoked in TimeArray
#113 opened by miketrumpis - 1
Note on examples
#84 opened by arokem - 8
TimeArray .prod is borked (because of overflow?)
#93 opened by arokem - 6
sphinx docs won't build (related to lazyimports?)
#102 opened by arokem - 1
Test failures on 10.4
#87 opened by arokem - 4
magnitude of fft showing negative values
#100 opened by satra - 0 uses feature removed from numpy1.6
#97 opened by juliantaylor - 0
ImportError: Cannot Import name Factorial
#95 opened by sargunkaur - 2
- 0