
Term2-Project3: Car control using PID

The project aims to demonstrate the use of PID controllers to control the car navigation. The goal is to ensure the car drives at least one loop around the circuit in the simulator without leaving the driveable area.The simulator provides the CTE error (error in position of the car relative to the middle section of the lane) and the current speed as input. The basic logic is to use this CTE to compute the optimal steering angle & throttle to keep the car in the drivable regions and PID controller is used to compute this optimal steering angle and throttle value.

PID Controller.

PID stands for propotional, integral and differential components of an entity, which in our case is the CTE. Because the CTE denotes the offset from the middle of the lane, the correction needed to return back to the middle is proportional to the amount of CTE, i,e. correction = Kp*cte. Ideally, we'd like to ensure cte-correction=0, so that the car is always at the middle of the lane. However, if you visualize this as a graph, you'll notice the osciallating pattern around cte=0 before the system stabilizes. Practially, this means the car deviates around the middle a lot before getting to the middle. And if the lane is not straight, the continuously changing cte will result in this continuous osciallation, and its of high amplitute, the car would leave the driveable area. To reduce this, we add a differential component to our correction, i,e. correction = Kp*cte + Kd*cte_d where cte_d = [cte(t)-cte(t-1)]/dt. If we visualize this as a graph, this differential component smoothens the oscillations before the system stabilizes. Practially, this means the car will not deviate much before stabilizaing around the middle. However, both of these factors do not consider the initial or later offsets which may get introduced in the system. If we visualize as a graph, the proportional & differential components stabilize the curve, but doesn't necessarily reduce it to zero. Practially, this would mean the wouldn't wobble as much, but doesn't necessarily stay in the middle of lane. This might occur for example, due to the initial offset in the steering angle when the car is started. Therefore, to reduce the cte to zero we add an integral component to our correction which is sum of all CTEs upto time t, i,e. correction = Kp*cte + Kd*cte_d + Ki*cte_i, where cte_i = cte(1) + cte(2)+...+cte(t). These three components can be visualized as a graph as shown below. The Kp, Kd and Ki in the equation are the hyper parameters that can be tuned to obtain the optimal correction required.


Tuning Hyperparameters for PID

As described above, good PID corresponds to optimizing its hyperparams and how to find the optimal values for these hyperparams becomes our important problem. The common & the most simplest way is to arbitrarily choose some values and manually tweak it iteratively to obtain good values. Knowing that cte_i increases over time and cte_d is generally small, gives an approximate range of values, but needless to say this method is quite inefficient. There are several algorithms that help use to optimize such hyperparams and for this project I've implemented the twiddle algorithm that Sebastian taught us in the course.

Twiddle is a simple algo that tries to find the optimal values by iteratively increacing or decreasing the params values paritally while observing its effect to reduce the error as much as possible. Although this algo will converge over time, the fact that the simulator's road was narrow doesn't provide enough time for the algo to converge before going off the track. Therefore it is important to manually initialize the hyperparams to an acceptable good range so that twiddle can converge before the car leaves the track. I started with setting a constant throttle to 0.3 and using PID for steering angle with all the hyperparams to 1. This resulted in car going in circles backward and forward and the correction values constantly increased to large values. This clearly meant the integral component was adding up to large values. So reducing the Ki by a factor of 10 seemed to help. After a few iterations, values in the range of 0.001 seemed good for Ki. Now the car wasn't goin in circles, but it started to oscillate a lot and eventually go off the track. This meant the differential component wasn't impacting the error, so increasing the Kd to around 4 showed considerable improvement. This was sufficient for twiddle to kick-in and stabilize the steering angle to keep the car on track. However, as the speed increased, the would go off the track as it wasn't able to steer back in time due to higher speed. So instead of maintaing a constant throttle, I used twiddle to compute the optimal throttle values as well and following the same approach as above, initializing with good values resulted in car being in control and not leaving the track. However, this also resulted in cases when the car goes around the circuit in reverse! Althought there isn't any criteria that say it shouldn't, this behaviour isn't really meaningful. Also, eventually, the throttle value would converge to zero to maintain cte=0 and this resulted in the car halting in the middle of the track without moving! This behavior is also theoritically correct since this state maintains cte=0. So an additional positive offset of 0.5 was added to the throttle to ensure the car always tries to move forward. With these changes, the car could drive around the track in forward direction without leaving the lane. Although I could stop twiddle after finding good hyperparms, doing so resulted in the car going off track eventually, for ex, after around 10 laps as slight changes in the car's orientation starts to accumulate after a certain point, the previously calculated hyperparam values wouldn't fit to dampen this accumulated error. So I've left twiddle on to run always so the car can drive indifinitely on the lane correctly. The video shows these behaviours.


There's an experimental patch for windows in this PR

Basic Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./pid.

Tips for setting up your environment can be found here