
Does MSIsensor or MSIsensor2 work with tumor-only RNAseq data?

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Hello @Beifang -

I am an avid fan of MSIsensor and routinely use it in the calling of MSI status from exome sequencing data. Recently we have started to switch our analysis to RNAseq data and I was wondering if MSIsensor(1 or 2) works on tumor-only RNaseq data? Another question for you is if it works on mouse data (exome/rnaseq) as well?

Thanks for your interest on msisensor suite. We have not test on RNAseq data. msisensor should works for mouse normal-tumor paired exome data and for msisensor2, we currently have no enough wes/RNAseq data to train tumor-only models for mouse.

please just try: msisensor2 msi -M ./models_hg19 -t rnaseq.bam -o xxx.prefix
to see what would happen.

@audyavar Any success with RNAseq data?