Freeze pip-installable packages into Nix expressions [maintainer=@datakurre]
- a13ph
- akatrevorjay@facebook, @instagram
- aKriJczCzech Republic
- alaskacanyon
- alexvorobiev
- andrewchambersAuckland, New Zealand
- ariutta
- asdf8601@seedtag
- cmacraeUnited Kingdom
- covercash2Bentonville, AR, US
- cyraxjoeMonterrey, Nuevo León, México
- datakurreUniversity of Jyväskylä
- Davidhw
- desertSniper87@Bangladesh-Computer-Council
- dhess@hackworthltd
- dpauspFlying Circus Internet Operations GmbH
- dqdinh
- ergoWebreactor
- FlorianFranzen@Analog-Labs
- halhenke
- icetan@randomwarese
- johbobo-tech GmbH & Co. KG
- kamilchmWarsaw, Poland
- ktosiek
- madnightBremen, Germany
- nikolay@withcodery
- ranlempowTaipai, Taiwan
- rowhitToronto, Ontario
- samrose
- samuelaNYC
- SuperSandro2000@sapcc
- sveitser
- teto/nix/store/candies
- therealpxc
- wietsedvUniversity of Groningen
- xsteadfastx@wobcom