Freeze pip-installable packages into Nix expressions [maintainer=@datakurre]
- 2
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
#95 opened by Pandapip1 - 0
`git+url` dependencies won't work (?)
#97 opened by turbotimon - 2
cannot coerce null to a string
#84 opened by ostrolucky - 1
Packaging deepface - could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow
#96 opened by a-h - 0
Wheels by platform
#94 opened by ozobotnovako - 0
- 1
- 6
- 2
#11 opened by ktosiek - 3
Flake, python overlay support
#70 opened by mikepurvis - 1
- 3
AssertionError: a direct req shouldn't have a parent and also, a non direct req should have a parent
#77 opened by andersk - 1
Crashes with KeyError: 'lockfile' on package with build-system.requires = ["poetry"]
#76 opened by andersk - 8
- 3
#75 opened by jakobneufeld - 0
Failing to download PySide6==6.2.1
#74 opened by vrinek - 2
Scaffold is broken with recent nixpkgs
#65 opened by datakurre - 2
importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError: pip2nix
#72 opened by milahu - 0
AttributeError: 'NixFreezeCommand' object has no attribute 'populate_requirement_set'
#71 opened by milahu - 1
No such file or directory: 'nix-prefetch-git'
#67 opened by nyarly - 2
#36 opened by teto - 0
pip2nix is broken with pip >= 20.1
#56 opened by datakurre - 3
- 24
TypeError on 20.09 branch
#64 opened by zetashift - 5
#63 opened by dvzubarev - 5
Usage example
#59 opened by adfaure - 1
- 2
nix-shell fails with permission error on darwin
#54 opened by siraben - 0
Incremental mode
#8 opened by ktosiek - 16
Moving to nix-community, changing maintainer
#51 opened by datakurre - 2
Zip-packaged dependencies
#48 opened by leenaars - 2
- 2
Installation fails
#49 opened by vanschelven - 3
- 2
Pip 10.0.1 maintenance
#46 opened - 0
- 6
installing `pip2nix generate` fails on Mac OS High Sierra when installing numpy
#43 opened by betoesquivel - 0
- 1
- 3
nix-env fails with permissions error
#35 opened - 1
Configurable doCheck
#21 opened by ktosiek - 2
Installation on ubuntu fails (tag v0.1.0)
#22 opened by plitzenberger - 4
- 2
Using fix/extends in the generated scaffold
#33 opened by johbo - 2
pip2nix scaffold fails due to missing template when installed via release.nix
#29 opened by discordianfish - 2
- 1
Generate example default.nix/shell.nix
#12 opened by ktosiek - 0
Can't package setuptools
#10 opened by ktosiek - 0
--help show pip options
#14 opened by ktosiek - 0
Add a wrapper with nix-prefetch-git
#6 opened by ktosiek