Decaf Component

A component for the Decaf Platform.


Download the component or clone it git clone

NOTE: Cloning this project will also keep all the commit history, so if you wish to start with a fresh commit history, I advise downloading it.

Install dev and runtime dependencies:

  • npm install
  • $(npm bin)/typings install


If you successfully setup the project using the steps above, you can run the app with $(npm bin)/gulp serve.

NOTE: JSPM is used as package manager and for installing the components itself as well.

You should only be working in the src/ folder of the component and you should never remove index.ts unless you know what your're doing. But make sure to rename the example.component.ts|css|html with your own component name (e.g. hero.component.ts|css|html). After you renamed it, make sure to update the component path/name in the index.ts file:

export * from './<component name>.component';
import main from './<component name>.component';

Furthermore, make sure you export the angular module as default from your component (name does not matter):

// src/my-component.component.ts
import {dirname} from 'decaf-common';

export const COMPONENT_NAME = 'example';
const myComponent = angular.module(COMPONENT_NAME, []);

myComponent.config(function (platformProvider) {
		.state(COMPONENT_NAME, {
			url: `/${COMPONENT_NAME}`,
			views: {
				'content@': {
					templateUrl: `${dirname(}/my-component.component.html`,
					controller: MyComponentController,
					controllerAs: 'myComponent'

class MyComponentController {
	constructor() {}

// Note the default export
export default myComponent;

In the above example, there are a few things that are important:

  • platformProvider.register(COMPONENT_NAME) - This is a mandatory action. You use that to register a component.
  • dirname( - This is just a helper to get the path for where the component resides, you should always use it.
  • platformProvider.state() - This sets the states/routes for the component. It is just a proxy to Angular UI Router's $stateProvider.state(), thus everything you'd configure with it, you also do it with the platformProvider.state().

Note that the {view} property of the state contains the key content@. That will be the entry point of the component markup when navigating to the component route or any subroutes of the component. Besides content@, you also have the option to overide the toolbar by providing a view with the key toolbar@.


I advise linting the source files before you commit, use $(npm bin)/gulp lint.

For other tasks run $(npm bin)/gulp --tasks.