
Gameboy Emulator Library

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


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GameboyCore is a Gameboy/Gameboy Color emulator library written in C++.

GameboyCore is a dependency free C++11 library. It does not open a window to render frames, it does not collect user input or play audio. GameboyCore emulates the Gameboy system and provides the audio/video output through the GameboyCore API.

This means the emulation logic and GUI logic of an emulator are separate. As long as the target platform has a C++11 compiler that platform can run GameboyCore.

GameboyCore running as:

The above application are somewhat incomplete however they all demonstrate GameboyCore working for the given environment.

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The GameboyCore library does not have any dependencies and can be compiled using any C++11 compiler. The tools contained in this repo, however, do have additional dependencies that need to be installed. All dependencies should be findable by CMake.

Fetch source:

git clone https://github.com/nnarain/gameboycore
cd gameboycore
git submodule update --init --recursive

To build the library, simply run cmake.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target gameboycore

Building Tests

Install gtest and build with BUILD_TESTS=ON. Optionally you can setup benchmarks by installing google-benchmark.

cmake --build . --target check
cmake --build . --target bench

A few test ROMs can be run as well.

cmake --build . --target run_test_roms

Building Tools

Enable building tools by specifying BUILD_TOOLS=ON. If building tools is enabled, all will be built by default. Disable building tools with WITH_<tool name>=OFF.

All tools are compiled with the latest C++ standard.


  • Used for running Gameboy ROMs and inspecting the core
  • Depends on SFML

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  • Used for printing the information in the ROM header