- 2
Not supported mongo shard cluster?
#77 opened by taitasu555 - 2
- 4
- 3
- 7
Need help in creating multiple adapter
#67 opened by shubhanshusingh - 4
- 27
Mongoose adapter not working properly help needed
#55 opened by RunnSC - 4
Deprecation warning - ensureIndex is deprecated.
#51 opened by sapcik - 4
Property 'mongooseInstance' is private and only accessible within class 'MongooseAdapter'.
#53 opened by StefanoPastore - 3
If any policy parameter value is empty or "" ,loadPolicyLine method is not handling in right way
#46 opened by Pyav123 - 5
- 3
Install TypeScript as part of `devDependencies`
#39 opened by fdionisi - 4
Issues working with TypeScript
#42 opened by fdionisi - 5
Release new TypeScript bundle to `npm`
#32 opened by fdionisi - 3
Add semantic-release
#35 opened by hsluoyz - 2
Fix CI error, add CI badge
#29 opened by hsluoyz - 3
Add more complete tests and add GitHub Actions CI
#27 opened by hsluoyz - 8
Rewrite mongoose-adapter in Typescript?
#24 opened by rubek-joshi - 4
Performance improvement by using `lean`
#20 opened by ulanmurzatayev - 4
- 8
- 5
Batch Addition and Deletion of Policy rules.
#12 opened by divy9881 - 3
addPolicy error
#14 opened by hehehai - 2
Real-world example would help
#6 opened by abhaybhargav - 10
What to do with taken name on npm
#4 opened by ghaiklor