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The project proposed by the Hackathon Gentleman Programing 2021, represented a challenge to our skills as web developers, in which a system made with JavaScript and libraries derived from it was carried out.The project raises the relationship of bootcamps, where User and company can login / register, companies add bootcamps and users register in said bootcamps.
- Latest stable version of Node.js
- For the project Visual Studio Code was used as a text editor for the elaboration of the Backend, but you can use another text editor.
To begin, proceed with the download of the repository. To do this, the console must be opened, go to the folder where you want to save the project and run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/nohearth/Gentleman_Backend.git
Then, go to the cloned folder of the "Gentleman Backend" repository.
In the case of a Windows Operating System, with the command:_
cd Gentleman_Backend
Then, the Backend dependencies are installed.
Con npm:
npm install
Once the dependencies are installed, the backend is ready to be deployed.
- To perform a local deployment (localhost: 3000) of the backend, proceed to execute one of the following commands:
with npm:
npm run dev
It's good to emphasize that the project was developed with:
Node.js - The web framework used.
MongoDB Atlas - It is the database as a service that allows you to deploy, use and scale a MongoDB database with just a few clicks.
Mongoose - Node.js library that allows us to write queries for a MongooDB database, with features such as validations, query construction, middleware, type conversion and some others, which enrich the functionality of the database.
Express - Node.js library that makes it easy to write request handlers with different HTTP verbs in different URL paths (routes)
Bcrypt.js - Bcrypt optimized in JavaScript without dependencies. Supports C ++ bcrypt binding in node.js and works in browser too.
Cors - Node.js library to provide a Connect / Express middleware that can be used to enable CORS with various options.
Dotenv - Dotenv is a zero dependency module that loads environment variables from an .env file to process.env. Storing the settings in the environment separately from the code is based on the twelve factor application methodology.
Jsonwebtoken - This was developed against draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-08. It makes use of node-jws.
Nodemon - It is a tool that helps to develop node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes are detected in the directory.
The authors of this project are:
- Gustavo Rivero - gustavoerivero
- Dany Karam - Ryuuji14
- Oswaldo Yanez - WolvesDevelopers
- Wilder Pérez - Sr-Wild
- Simón Velazquez - nohearth
⌨️ with ❤️ by [Flamethyst Programming]