- AndrewPriferLuma AI
- anotherbugmasterSaint-Petersburg
- aramceballosSonora, Mexico
- caiopiccirilloEindhoven, Netherlands
- cauvmouVienna
- daniloarcidiaconoObjectway
- Desoroxxx@Red-Studio-Ragnarok
- Dhruv-Mohan
- fpemud
- gabrieljcs
- gordonglasOverworld Software
- Hsu1685TAIWAN
- immyJ
- JOELwindows7@Perkedel Technologies
- jonasfreySwitzerland
- juliopcrj
- kappaj
- Kendov
- mattcoleandersonFirst Orion
- mzyy94Japan
- ndeadlyGermany
- nefariusNefarius Software Solutions e.U.
- nhiroyasuYahoo! JAPAN
- nsfm@WiserSolutions
- pitermach
- Podbay
- r57zoner57zone[at]
- rafa-martin@RobotnikAutomation
- sbrichardson@reactual
- serishemaNew Zealand
- ShootingmakerInstitute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo.
- surugu
- tambatdAstro Financial
- TrugamrPunjab, India
- wlabarronScotland