
IBroadPhaseFilter works the opposite of the way it should

RonenNess opened this issue · 3 comments

Check out the docs for IBroadPhaseFilter:

It says <returns>False if the collision should be filtered out; true otherwise.</returns>.

However, when setting a filter, if I return true it doesn't do collision, but if I return false, the objects do collide.

IMO the correct behavior is according to docs, ie true = collide, false = don't collide.
It makes more sense that way. But whatever you choose please make it consistent with the comment.


By the way if you want me to do PRs to fix the stuff I find let me know, I can help with that.

@RonenNess Thank you for finding/pointing out all these quirks and small glitches. This is exactly what the issue-tracker is for. I changed the definition of the Filter-Callbacks many times (there is also the NarrowPhase-Filter and the DynamicTree Filter This should all be made consistent and consistent with the docs. I will take a look.

@RonenNess Should be fixed now.