
CLI tools for DKAN site management

Primary LanguagePHP

DKAN Tools

This CLI application provides tools for implementing and developing DKAN, the Drupal-based open data portal.


DKAN Tools was designed with a Docker-based local development environment in mind. Current requirements are simply:

  • Bash-like shell that can execute .sh files (Linux or OS X terminals should all work)
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

That's it! All other dependencies are included in the Docker containers that dkan-tools will create.

It is also possible to run most DKAN Tools commands using a local webserver, database and PHP setup, but this practice is less supported.


  1. Download or clone this repository into any location on your development machine.
  2. Add bin/dktl to your $PATH somehow. This is often accomplished by adding a symbolic link to a folder already in your path, like ~/bin. For instance, if DKAN Tools is located in /myworkspace:
ln -s  /myworkspace/dkan-tools/bin/dktl ~/bin/dktl

Alternatively, you could add /myworkspace/dkan-tools/bin directly to your $PATH. Enter this in your terminal or add it to your session permanently by adding a line in .bashrc or .bash_profile:

export PATH=$PATH:/myworkspace/dkan-tools/bin

Once you are working in a valid project folder (see next section) you can type dktl at any time to see a list of available commands.

Starting a project

To start a project with dktl, create a project directory.

mkdir my_project && cd my_project

Inside the project directory, initialize your project.

dktl init

This will automatically start up the Docker containers, which can also be started manually with dktl docker:compose up -d. Any other docker-compose commands can be run via dktl docker:compose <args> or simply dktl dc <args>.

After initialization, we want to get DKAN ready. We can use git clone (recommended if you are working directly on DKAN core and will want to commit and push changes to the DKAN project) or download a tarball of the DKAN source from GitHub, but the easiest method is using this command:

dktl dkan:get <version_number>

Versions of DKAN look like this: 7.x-1.15.3. We can see all of DKAN's releases in Github.

Now run the "make" command:

dktl make

The make command will get all of DKAN's dependencies including Drupal core. It will also create all the symlinks necesarry to create a working Drupal site under /docroot.

Finally, let's install DKAN.

dktl install

You can find the local site URL by typing dktl docker:surl.

Structure of a DKAN-Tools-based project

One of the many reasons for using DKTL is to create a clear separation between the code specific to a particular DKAN site (i.e. "custom code") and the dependencies we pull in from other sources (primarily, DKAN core and Drupal core).

To accomplish this, DKAN Tools projects will have the following basic directory structure, created when we run dktl init.

├── dkan              # The upstream DKAN core codebase
├── docroot           # Drupal core, and contrib modules not from DKAN
├── src               # Site-specific configuration, code and files
│   ├── make          # Overrides for DKAN and Drupal makefiles
│   ├── modules       # Symlinked to docroot/sites/all/modules/custom
│   ├── script        # Deployment script and other misc utilities
|   └── site          # Symlinked to docroot/sites/default
│   │   └── files     # The main site files
│   └── test          # Custom tests
└── dktl.yml          # DKAN Tools configuration

We may wish to create two additional folders in the root of your project later on: /src/patches, where we can store local patches to be applied via the make files in /src/make; and /backups, where database dumps can be stored. The first time we run dktl install the /backups folder will be created if it does not already exist.

The /src/make folder

DKAN uses Drush Make to define its dependencies. DKAN Tools also uses Drush Make to apply overrides patches to DKAN in a managed way, without having to hack either the Drupal or DKAN core.

DKAN defines its Drupal Core dependency in /dkan/drupal-org-core.make. Additional DKAN dependencies and patches are defined in /dkan/drupal-org.make. These two files should not be changed directly within the dkan folder, but they can be overridden via two files in your project: /src/make/drupal.make and /src/make/dkan.make.

If we want to override the version of Drupal being used (for instance, if we need a security update just released in Drupal core but aren't ready to move to the newest DKAN version), we add the right version to /src/make/drupal.make:

api: 2
core: 7.x
    type: core
    version: '7.50'

In /src/make/drupal.make we can also define the contributed modules, themes, and libraries that our site uses. For example if our site uses the Deploy module we can add this to /src/make/drupal.make under the projects section:

    version: '3.1'

If our site requires a custom patch to the deploy module, we add it to /src/patches. For remote patches (usually from Drupal.org) we just need the url to the patch:

    version: '3.1'
      1: '../patches/custom_patch.patch'
      3005415: 'https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2018-10-09/use_plain_text_format-3005415.patch'

The src/site folder

Most configuration in Drupal sites is placed in the /sites/default directory.

The /src/site folder will replace /docroot/sites/default once Drupal is installed. /src/site should then contain all of the configuration that will be in /docroot/sites/default.

DKTL should have already provided some things in /src/site: settings.php contains some generalized code that is meant to load any other setting files present, as long as they follow the settings.<something>.php pattern. All of the special settings that you previously had in settings.php or other drupal configuration files should live in settings.custom.php or a similarly-named file in /src/site.

The src/test folder (custom tests)

DKAN Tools supports custom PHPUnit and Behat tests found in the src/test directory.

If your site does not have tests set up yet, running dktl init:custom-tests will set up a src/test directory in your project with sample phpunit and behat tests to start from.

To run custom tests:

dktl test:phpunit-custom


dktl test:behat-custom

To manually configure custom phpunit tests (without using dktl init:custom-tests):

  1. Create src/test/phpunit
  2. Place a phpunit.xml configuration file in src/test/phpunit. You can use the phpunit.xml file in dkan/test/phpunit as an example, replacing the <testsuite> elements to reflect your own custom tests. See the PHPUnit documentation for more information.
  3. Add a copy of dkan/test/phpunit/boot.php in the same directory.
  4. Store your tests in src/test/phpunit. Again, use dkan/test/phpunit as a guide.

JUnit style test results will be written to src/test/assets/junit.

To manually configure Behat tests:

  1. Create src/test/features directory.
  2. Place Behat configuration files behat.yml and behat.docker.yml in src/test. You can use the corresponding files in dkan/test as references, or even just create symbolic links to them.
  3. Store you tests in src/test/features.

JUnit style test results will be written to src/test/assets/junit.

Restoring a database dump or site files

DKAN Tools' restore commands can restore from a local or remote dump of the database, as well as restore a files archive. This simplest way to do this is:

dktl dkan:restore --db_url=<path_to_db> --files_url=<path_to_files>

As described below, these options can be stored in a configuration file so that you can type simply dktl restore.

You may also restore from a local database backup, as long as it is placed in a folder under the project root called /backups. Type dktl db:restore with no argument, and the backup in /backups will be restored if there is only one, or you will be allowed to select from a list if there are several.

Create and grab a database dump excluding tables

You can create a database dump excluding tables related to cache, devel, webform submissions and DKAN datastore. Running the command dktl site:grab-database @alias will create the database backup for the drush alias passed as argument.

This command needs to be run with DKTL_MODE set to "HOST". So you'll need to run export DKTL_MODE="HOST" and after the command finishes, you should set it back to its old value or just unset the variable by running unset DKTL_MODE.

If you want to import this dump into your local development site, then you can move the file excluded_tables.sql into the directory backups in the root of your project, then you'll be able to import it by running dktl restore:db excluded_tables.sql.

Configuring DKTL commands

You will probably want to set up some default arguments for certain commands, especially the urls for the restore command. This is what the dkan.yml file is for. You can provide options for any DKTL command in dkan.yml. For instance:

      db_url: "s3://my-backups-bucket/my-db.sql.gz"
      files_url: "s3://my-backups-bucket/my-files.tar.gz"

If you include this in your dktl.yml file, typing dktl restore without any arguments will load these two options.

Custom Commands

Projects to can define their own commands. To create a custom command, create a new class inside of this project with a similar structure to the this one:

namespace DkanTools\Custom;

 * This is project's console commands configuration for Robo task runner.
 * @see http://robo.li/
class CustomCommands extends \Robo\Tasks
     * Sample.
    public function customSample()
        $this->io()->comment("Hello World!!!");

The critical parts of the example are:

  1. The namespace
  2. The extension of \Robo\Tasks
  3. The name of the file for the class should match the class name. In this case the file name should be CustomCommands.php

Everything else (class names, function names) is flexible, and each public function inside of the class will show up as an available dktl command.

Advanced configuration

Disabling chown

DKTL, by default, performs most of its tasks inside of a docker container. The result is that any files created by scripts running inside the container will appear to be owned by "root" on the host machine, which often leads to permission issues when trying to use these files. To avoid this DKTL attempts to give ownership of all project files to the user running DKTL when it detects that files have changed, using the chown command via sudo. In some circumstances, such as environments where sudo is not available, you may not want this behavior. This can be controlled by setting a true/false environment variable, DKTL_CHOWN.

To disable the chown behavior, create the environment variable with this command:


Running without Docker

If for some reason you would like to use some of DKTL without docker, there is a mechanism to accomplish this.

First of all, make sure that you have all of the software DKTL needs:

  1. PHP
  2. Composer
  3. Drush

The mode in which DKTL runs is controlled by an environment variable: DKTL_MODE. To run DKLT without docker set the environment variable to HOST:


To go back to running in docker mode, set the variable to DOCKER (or just delete it).

Using Xdebug

When using the standard docker-compose environment, Xdebug can be enabled on both the web and CLI containers as needed. Running it creates a significant performance hit, so it is disabled by default. To enable, simply run dktl xdebug:start. A new file will be added to /src/docker/etc/php, and the corresponding containers will restart. In most situations, this file should be excluded from version control with .gitignore.

A note to users of DKAN Starter

Users of DKAN Starter will recognize some concepts here. The release of DKAN Tools eliminates the need for a separate DKAN Starter project, as it provides a workflow to build sites directly from DKAN releases. Support for DKAN Starter and its accompanying Ahoy commands is ending, and detailed instructions for migrating DKAN Starter projects to the DKAN Tools workflow is coming soon.


PHP Warning: is_file(): Unable to find the wrapper "s3"
Delete the vendor directory in your local dkan-tools and run dktl in your project directory
Changing ownership of new files to host user ... chown: ...: illegal group name
Disable the chown behavior export DKTL_CHOWN="FALSE"