
A RNA and ChIP -seq analysis pipeline accommodating multiple species and references

Primary LanguagePython

Snakemake and Conda -based RNA-seq and ChIP-seq Pipeline

This is a snakefile and accompanying conda environments for processing the Benner Lab's ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data. It adapts work by Carlos Guzman and Samuel Roth into a directory structure that supports multiple species and reference annotations in a single project. It relies on a uniform input file naming scheme to automate tasks such as peak calling and alignment after deposition of all project fast files into a single folder.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine. As a goal, all configuration should be possible without privilege escalation.


To run this snakefile, you need only Snakemake and Conda/Miniconda. Future releases may require pandas for parsing datasheets. While the pipeline itself relies on many software packages, most notably HOMER, these dependencies are handled using Snakemake's ability to specify and download conda environments for individual rules. This allows rules to depend on their own versions of packages, rather than relying on all package versions being compatible with each other across all rules.

Instructions on installing Conda can be found on its Conda documentation page.
After installing Conda, Snakemake can be installed with Conda as follows:

conda install -c bioconda snakemake 


To install, copying Snakefile, config.yaml, igv_js.html, envs, configs, resources, scripts, and snakefiles from this repository will suffice. Put them in the same folder. Alternatively, download this repository and rename as required.

git clone https://github.com/npdeloss/multi_species_multi-seq_pipeline.git your_project_name
cd your_project_name


Naming and depositing fastq files

First, ensure your fastq files follow the appropriate naming scheme. The naming scheme should be as follows:
An example is:
A few notes on these fields:

  • Currently, only human and mouse genomes are supported via GENCODE annotation.
  • Values for {cell} and {libary_type} may not contain underscores or slashes.
  • The {description} may not include spaces or underscores.
  • The {initials} field refers to the individual who performed the experiment. This should be alphanumeric only.
  • Paired-end sequencing is detected by finding files with both _R1_001.fastq.gz and _R2_001.fastq.gz suffixes.

If your data are not named in this manner, you can create symlinks to them like so:
ln -sf [old_filename] [new_filename]

To deposit files into this project for use with the pipeline, create a folder called reads_fastq in the same directory as the Snakefile and copy them into there (symlinking is also an option).

mkdir -p fastq_files
cp /your/directory/here/*.fastq.gz reads_fastq/

Calling Snakemake

To use snakemake's dependency downloading capability through conda, invoke the pipeline using:

snakemake --use-conda -j {threads} {target}

Where threads is the number of threads you wish to use, and {target} is the name of the target file. More on these later.

Quick targets

To run all available analyses automatically, run:

snakemake --use-conda -j {threads} targets

You may need to remove the targets file if it has already been generated:

rm targets

Web browser targets

Change the second line of config.yaml to reflect the directory where your server stores files on your project to serve to web browsers. This is usually /var/www/html/your_project_name. Change the third line to reflect the URL where your project will be served to the web. Usually, this is http://your.domain.com/your_project_name.

    dir: '/var/www/html/your_project_name/'
    url: 'http://your.domain.com/your_project_name/'

Targets in detail

In config.yaml, the targets object contains lists of targets that will be created by the pipeline by default when running analyses automatically. These are decribed within config.yaml for the human/grch38 {organism}/{reference} combination. The string human/grch38 in these target filepaths can be replaced with human/grch37 and mouse/grcm38 as needed for your project, but by default, all targets are run for all three of these {organism}/{reference} combinations.

Generate FASTQC reports for all samples
Generate all tag directories with HOMER

If the library_type is chip, align with bowtie2. If library_type is rna, align with STAR.

Gene quantifications using kallisto

Quantifies gene expression for all samples with rna library_type.

# TPM for basic normalization
# Estimated counts, for use with programs expecting count-like data.
Gene quantifications using HOMER for all samples with rna library_type

Quantifies gene expression for all samples with rna library_type.

# Read counts
# Reads normalized to 1e7 by default
# Expression normalized with RPKM
Bigwig coverage tracks using HOMER

For all samples with rna library_type

# Positive strand
# Negative strand
# Both strands

For all samples with chip library_type

JSON and HTML for visualizing the bigwig coverage tracks using IGV.js

These only work when served from a server. Paths are relative to the dir property of the www section from config.yaml For example, if the dir property was set to /var/www/html/your_project_name/, and the url propery was set to http://your.domain.com/your_project_name/, then you would point your browser to http://your.domain.com/your_project_name/track_visualizations_bigwigs/human/grch38/chip.igv.html to visualize coverage for your ChIP-seq tracks.

# JSON track data
# HTML page