
AI-agent based game player | Reinforcement Learning | Monte Carlo Tree Search

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Mendikot FAI is a multi-player card game popular in Western India. The game consists turn-taking where each player strategically tries to win maximum tricks to win the game. The game is traditionally played in teams of 2 (people sitting in front on each other in circle). This repository contains the source code, documentation, and related resources for the project. This project was developed as a part of Northeastern University's Foundations of Artificial Inteligence (CS 5100) Course.


Refer Design Document and Project Report to gain more insights about the development environment. Simulations were conducted using TEST scripts present in the tests folder.

Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Installed Gymnassium API


git clone https://github.com/anway0904/Mendikot_FAI.git
cd Mendikot-AI-Toolkit