- 3
[0.5.3 Bug] Buttons "Dismiss" and "Switch Out" Unresponsive in Follower Interface
#312 opened by MrYYYYY - 4
- 3
[JS Error] InternalError: too much recursion
#310 opened by Lexden12 - 1
- 1
- 1
Clicking "Outside" tab after editing item quantities to bring loses changes
#307 opened by petertseng - 1
Raids reset all resources to zero.
#304 opened by Ash424242 - 2
- 1
Weaver or Rope-maker?
#301 opened by SoMall-dumpling - 1
Camp nowhere
#300 opened by ACS-resources - 0
- 5
[JS Error] TypeError: this.language.getIndefiniteArticle is not a function
#292 opened by Lanie-Carmelo - 3
- 2
Book with no information
#288 opened by CondoSlime - 1
[Suggestion] build queue
#290 opened by dperelman - 1
Typo in readme
#289 opened by ssamt - 2
Infinite investigations in level 25
#287 opened by CondoSlime - 2
Crash by missing newspaper description.
#283 opened by CondoSlime - 2
Crash on viewing trader
#285 opened by CondoSlime - 1
Can not equip certain equipment (hiking boots)
#286 opened by CondoSlime - 2
- 3
- 3
[JS Error] TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getBaseBonus')
#281 opened by Brilliand - 3
Add multiplayer.
#265 opened by Mr-critic - 3
Missing scavenger
#278 opened by yupinov - 2
Research Center does not build
#260 opened by KinjeDL - 2
Philosophy + the next one (research... something) do not show up in "All upgrades" after research + unknown bonuses
#249 opened by MikeSzym - 2
Antibiotics description issue - duplicated text
#248 opened by MikeSzym - 2
- 2
Importing a save lowers camp reputation
#259 opened by zyx-xyzzy - 4
Deleted rumors
#266 opened by Mr-critic - 2
Refinery can be re-scouted on the first visit
#277 opened by yupinov - 1
Bigger backpack
#269 opened by MasterCard69 - 1
Can’t build anything
#271 opened by MasterCard69 - 1
#270 opened by MasterCard69 - 3
Add multiplayer
#267 opened by MasterCard69 - 1
Add multiplayer plzz
#264 opened by MasterCard69 - 1
Will there be more items icons?
#262 opened by ForkKILLET - 1
- 3
[JS Error] TypeError: playerLevelCamp is null
#250 opened by Phi161803 - 2
- 1
[JS Error] TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Injury')
#257 opened by freakwilly - 1
- 3
[pest control] upgrade bug.
#255 opened by HiPtich - 1
Good Places for Camps
#253 opened by SoMall-dumpling - 2
Game should not auto-save after throwing a crash error and there is no easy way to import a save after error
#243 opened by MikeSzym - 2
Bag Making 2 -> Automatic Luggage/Hiker's Rucksack research doesn't provide actual item
#245 opened by MikeSzym - 1
- 2
[JS Error] TypeError: playerLevelCamp is null
#247 opened by menyet123 - 1