
Uses SAMTools, Python 2.7 and PySam to extract either junctions or exon read counts for known and novel junctions and exons. Requires an indexed BAM file with genomic coordinates

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Uses SAMTools, Python 2.7 and PySam to extract either junctions or exon read counts for known and novel junctions and exons. Requires an indexed BAM file with genomic coordinates.

Example Commands

Produce a junction.bed coordinate file from a BAM file

python BAMtoJunctionBED.py --i /Users/me/sample1.bam

Produce a junction.bed coordinate file from a BAM file without strand predictions (e.g., STAR)

python BAMtoJunctionBED.py --i /Users/me/sample1.bam --g /Application/BAM-to-Junction-BED/ReferenceExonCoordinates/Mm_Ensembl_exon_Mm10.txt

Batch analysis of many BAM files in a single directory to obtain junction.bed and exon.bed results

python multiBAMtoBED.py --i /Users/me/BAMfiles --g /Application/BAM-to-Junction-BED/ReferenceExonCoordinates/Hs_Ensembl_exon_hg19.txt --r /Users/me/ExonBEDRef/Hs_Ensembl_exon-cancer_hg19.bed --a exon --a junction --a reference

Produce a junction.bed coordinate file from a BAM file using multi-processing

python multiBAMtoBED.py --i /Users/me/BAMfiles --a junction --m yes 

Produce an exon.bed file using a reference bed file created by multiBAMtoBED or custom coordinates

python BAMtoExonBED.py --i /Users/me/sample1.bam --r /Users/me/Hs_exon-cancer_hg19.bed"