Linux environment files
This repository contains a few files to set up a linux command line environment the way I like it.
This includes:
- aliases
- generic scripts
- PATH variable setup
Start for a new system
# First things first: make sure we have git
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git
# Setting up github account global config options
git config --global ""
git config --global "nsheff"
# Set up auth keys if you like
# instructions:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "identifier"
# Now copy/paste that into GitHub
cat .ssh/
Link for adding new ssh key:
Use one of the scripts in system/ like system/
Start from here if you already have git set up how you want it
# To clone this repository:
mkdir -p code
cd code
git clone
# Add a line like this into your .bashrc:
# source path/to/repo/env/
echo 'source ~/code/env/' >> .bashrc
# Set up environment variables by pasting template `` # into your `.bashrc` Then adjust variables for this system.
cat ~/code/env/ >> .bashrc
Most of the stuff now can be solved by bulker. But there are a few things I want to install natively.
Install a sane file manager:
sudo apt-get install spacefm
sudo apt install python3-pip pip install bulker bulker load databio/nsheff export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
Install docker. You have to follow the current docker instructions because the way they suggest you install it changes every few months.
Link .Rprofile:
ln -s -i ${CODEBASE}env/dotfiles/.Rprofile $HOME/.Rprofile
Link workrave stats:
ln -s -i ~/Dropbox/env/historystats ~/.workrave/historystats
ln -s -i ~/Dropbox/env/sshconfig ~/.ssh/config
Add launchers to menu so they can be dragged to quicklaunch panel:
cd ~/code/env/launch
Add pointer to env Makefile
echo 'include ~/Dropbox/env/Makefile' >> Makefile
Link in inkscape short keys
mkdir -p ~/.config/inkscape/keys
ln -s -i ~/code/env/dotfiles/inkscape_keys.xml ~/.config/inkscape/keys/default.xml
cd code
git clone