
One page review and summary of research papers in Reinforcement Learning

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One-two page summary/review of research papers read by me in Reinforcement Learning along with possible improvements which I could think of.

Paper Authors Conference Authors Affiliation
Object Sensitive Deep Reinforcement Learning Y.Li, K.Sycara, R.Iyer GCAI-17 Carnegie Mellon University
Safe Reinforcement Learning with Model Uncertainty Estimates B.Lutjens, M.Everett, J.How ICRA-18 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Multi-stage Reinforcement Learning for Object Detection J.Konig, S.Malberg, M.Martens, S.Niehaus, A.Grimberghe, A.Ramaswamy CVC-19 Paderborn University
Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction D.Pathak, P.Agrawal, A.Efros, T.Darrell ICML-17 University of California Berkeley
AMC: AutoML for Model Compression and Acceleration on Mobile Devices Y.He, J.Lin, Z.Liu, H.Wang, L.Li, S.Han ECCV-18 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University
Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning V.Mnih, A.Badia, M.Mirza, A.Graves, T.Harley, T.Lillicrap, D.Silver, K.Kavukcuoglu ICML-16 Google DeepMind, Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms
Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning L.Pinto, J.Davidson, R.Sukthankar, A.Gupta ICML-17 Carnegie Mellon University, Google Brain, Google Research

Reason for writing paper summaries/review:

  • Writing paper summaries/reviews does help me in retaining the information in the paper and understanding it in a better way as it makes me think more about the paper which I would not have done by just reading the papers.
  • It also helps me to think of possible extensions of the project by connecting information in the previously read papers and trying to combine the positives of all the papers.
  • Motivates me to read more papers.


The paper review/summary contains ideas which I could think of when I read the paper. The ideas/extensions may or may not work. They are just to make me think more about the paper. I do not intend to insult or degrade any of the authors' work.