Question on theta values and optimization
jdalapicolla opened this issue · 2 comments
Dear Dr. Pope,
My name is Jeronymo Dalapicolla, a postdoc at the Instituto Tecnólogico Vale in Belém, Brazil. We have a question about a specific warning that we're getting when we try to run the radish with our data. The warning is the following:
"warning ("Optimum for subproblem is on boundary (e.g. no spatial genetic structure): cannot optimize theta. \ nTry different starting values. ")"
We tried different starting values for theta (1, 10, 100) but the warning remains. When we run your ex ample script and data, everything runs perfectly.
Our data are geographically restricted (around 50 Km²) with some samples aggregated, located in the same pixel. In addition, We are using Relatedness as a genetic metric instead FST. We also tested with coordinates in decimal degrees and in UTM. Same warning in all tests.
With this warning, the object “ fit_nnls” is created but when we applied summary (fit_nnls) the results did not indicate the estimates, only values of Loglikelihood, AIC, alpha, beta, and thau.
Thus, we would like to ask if you have any tips to remove this warning:
- Should we try larger values for theta?
- Should we remove individuals from the same localities/pixels?
- Are there another option that we haven't tried yet?
Thank you so much for your time,
Have a nice week,
Jeronymo Dalapicolla
Hi Nate
Thank you so much for your reply and explanation. We flipped the sigh of relatedness multiplying by (-1) and it worked!
Thank you again,