- 2
The parameters of inter-camera calibration
#12 opened by ZHCH111 - 4
thanks for your impressive work,have you tried to generate multiple UAV trajectories using your current GT generation method,we want to record some track under the multi-UAV scenario,Your enlightenment will be of great help to us.
#11 opened by ChancellorNG - 3
Can you provide the relative translation and rotation relationship of each sensor during the collection of the dataset?
#2 opened by lcjBegin - 1
Why can't the number of images align with GT and the file names don't seem to correspond one-to-one either
#1 opened by lyq-y - 1
#9 opened by leo-xuxl - 1
About audio files
#10 opened by Gokaii - 3
- 4
.zip not downloading
#5 opened by efectual - 5
#7 opened by yyq19990828 - 1
- 2
Unable to download data set
#4 opened by mcarvalho2001 - 1