This is a small interpreter of a subset of Scheme
in circa 900 lines of C# 8
(including a small arithmetic library
in circa 200 lines).
It implements almost the same language as
- little-scheme-in-crystal
- little-scheme-in-dart
- little-scheme-in-go
- little-scheme-in-java
- little-scheme-in-kotlin
- little-scheme-in-lisp
- little-scheme-in-php
- little-scheme-in-python
- little-scheme-in-ruby
- little-scheme-in-typescript
and their meta-circular interpreter, little-scheme.
As a Scheme implementation, it optimizes tail calls and handles first-class continuations properly.
With Mono 6.12.0:
$ csc -o -r:System.Numerics.dll arith.cs scm.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 3.9.0-6.21124.20 (db94f4cc)
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
$ mono scm.exe
> (+ 5 6)
> (cons 'a (cons 'b 'c))
(a b . c)
> (list
| 1
| 2
| 3
| )
(1 2 3)
Press EOF (e.g. Control-D) to exit the session.
> Goodbye
With .NET 6.0.9:
$ dotnet build -c Release
MSBuild version 17.3.1+2badb37d1 for .NET
Determining projects to restore...
Restored /Users/suzuki/proj/little-scheme-in-cs/scm.csproj (in 38 ms).
scm -> /Users/suzuki/proj/little-scheme-in-cs/bin/Release/net6.0/scm.dll
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:00.65
$ ./bin/Release/net6.0/scm
> (+ 5 6)
And so on.
You can run it with a Scheme script.
Examples are found in
download it at ..
and you can try the following:
$ cat ../little-scheme/examples/yin-yang-puzzle.scm
;; The yin-yang puzzle
;; cf.
((lambda (yin)
((lambda (yang)
(yin yang))
((lambda (cc)
(display '*)
(call/cc (lambda (c) c)))))
((lambda (cc)
(call/cc (lambda (c) c))))
;; => \n*\n**\n***\n****\n*****\n******\n...
$ mono scm.exe ../little-scheme/examples/yin-yang-puzzle.scm | head
$ mono scm.exe ../little-scheme/examples/amb.scm
((1 A) (1 B) (1 C) (2 A) (2 B) (2 C) (3 A) (3 B) (3 C))
$ mono scm.exe ../little-scheme/examples/dynamic-wind-example.scm
(connect talk1 disconnect connect talk2 disconnect)
$ mono scm.exe ../little-scheme/examples/nqueens.scm
((5 3 1 6 4 2) (4 1 5 2 6 3) (3 6 2 5 1 4) (2 4 6 1 3 5))
$ mono scm.exe ../little-scheme/scm.scm < ../little-scheme/examples/nqueens.scm
((5 3 1 6 4 2) (4 1 5 2 6 3) (3 6 2 5 1 4) (2 4 6 1 3 5))
Press INTR (e.g. Control-C) to terminate the yin-yang-puzzle.
Put a "-
" after the script in the command line to begin a session
after running the script.
$ mono scm.exe ../little-scheme/examples/fib90.scm -
> (globals)
(globals error number? = < * - + apply call/cc symbol? eof-object? read newline
display list not null? pair? eq? cons cdr car fibonacci)
> (fibonacci 16)
> (fibonacci 1000)
Scheme Expression | Internal Representation |
numbers 1 , 2.3 |
int , double or BigInteger |
#t |
true |
#f |
false |
strings "hello, world" |
string |
symbols a , + |
class Sym |
() |
null |
pairs (1 . 2) , (x y z) |
class Cell |
closures (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) |
class Closure |
built-in procedures car , cdr |
class Intrinsic |
continuations | class Continuation |
The implementation is similar to those of little-scheme-in-dart and little-scheme-in-java.
v [variable reference]
(e0 e1...) [procedure call]
e [transformed into (quote
e) when read] -
e1 e2 e3)
e1 e2) -
e...) -
(v...) e...) -
v e) -
v e)
For simplicity, this Scheme treats (define
v e) as an expression type.
(car lst) |
(display x) |
(+ n1 n2) |
(cdr lst) |
(newline ) |
(- n1 n2) |
(cons x y) |
(read ) |
(* n1 n2) |
(eq? x y) |
(eof-object? x) |
(< n1 n2) |
(pair? x) |
(symbol? x) |
(= n1 n2) |
(null? x) |
(call/cc fun) |
(number? x) |
(not x) |
(apply fun arg) |
(globals ) |
(list x ...) |
(error reason arg) |
reason arg)
throws an exception with the message "Error:
arg". It is based on SRFI-23. -
returns a list of keys of the global environment. It is not in the standard.
See GlobalEnv
in scm.cs
for the implementation of the procedures
except call/cc
and apply
and apply
are implemented particularly at
in scm.cs
I hope this serves as a model of how to write a Scheme interpreter in C#.