
A Scheme interpreter with first-class continuations in circa 800 lines of TypeScript code

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A Little Scheme in TypeScript

This is a small interpreter of a subset of Scheme in about 800 lines of TypeScript 4.6 (Deno 1.20). It implements almost the same language as

and their meta-circular interpreter, little-scheme. As a Scheme implementation, it optimizes tail calls and handles first-class continuations properly.

As from v2.0, it runs not on Node.js, but on Deno.

Before v2.0, two callbacks, stdInOnData and stdInOnEnd, were defined and used on Node.js as follows:

    process.stdin.on('data', stdInOnData);
    process.stdin.on('end', stdInOnEnd);

Now, readLine is defined on Deno as follows:

    const decoder = new TextDecoder(); // from utf-8 bytes
    const buf = new Uint8Array(8000);
    readLine = async function(): Promise<string | null> {
        const n = await Deno.stdin.read(buf) as (number | null);
        if (n === null)
            return null;        // End-Of-File
        return decoder.decode(buf.subarray(0, n));

You can run this interpreter also on web browsers by giving appropriate values to readStringFrom, write and readLine. Refer to head and tail of scm.ts for these functions. The file example/index.html shows a simple example. The following is an excerpt from it:

  let readLine_resolve;

  readLine = () => new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
      readLine_resolve = resolve;

  ta.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => {
      if (event.key === "Enter") {
          let line = ta.value.substring(current_position);

How to run

$ deno --version
deno 1.20.1 (release, aarch64-apple-darwin)
typescript 4.6.2
$ deno bundle scm.ts scm.js
Check file:///Users/suzuki/tmp/little-scheme-in-typescript/scm.ts
Bundle file:///Users/suzuki/tmp/little-scheme-in-typescript/scm.ts
Emit "scm.js" (19.08KB)
$ deno run scm.js
> (+ 5 6)
> (cons 'a (cons 'b 'c))
(a b . c)
> (list
| 1
| 2
| 3
| )
(1 2 3)

Or just use example/scm.js, which I provided by bundling scm.ts and arith.ts in the same way as above.

$ deno run example/scm.js
> (+ 7.8 9)

Press EOF (e.g. Control-D) to exit the session.

> Goodbye

You can also open example/index.html with a modern web browser to run scm.js.

$ open example/index.html

It is also presented here.

How to run your Scheme script

You can run node scm.js with a Scheme script. Examples are found in little-scheme; download it at .. and you can try the following:

$ deno run --allow-read scm.js ../little-scheme/examples/yin-yang-puzzle.scm

$ deno run --allow-read scm.js ../little-scheme/examples/amb.scm
((1 A) (1 B) (1 C) (2 A) (2 B) (2 C) (3 A) (3 B) (3 C))
$ deno run --allow-read scm.js ../little-scheme/examples/nqueens.scm
((5 3 1 6 4 2) (4 1 5 2 6 3) (3 6 2 5 1 4) (2 4 6 1 3 5))
$ deno run --allow-read scm.js ../little-scheme/scm.scm < ../little-scheme/examples/nqueens.scm
((5 3 1 6 4 2) (4 1 5 2 6 3) (3 6 2 5 1 4) (2 4 6 1 3 5))

Press INTR (e.g. Control-C) to terminate the yin-yang-puzzle.

Put a "-" after the script in the command line to begin a session after running the script.

$ deno run --allow-read scm.js ../little-scheme/examples/fib90.scm -
> (globals)
(globals error number? = < * - + apply call/cc symbol? eof-object? read newline display list not
 null? pair? eq? cons cdr car fibonacci)
> (fibonacci 16)
> (fibonacci 1000)

The implemented language

Scheme Expression Internal Representation
numbers 1, 2.3 bigint or number
#t true
#f false
strings "hello, world" string
symbols a, + class Sym
() null
pairs (1 . 2), (x y z) class Cell
closures (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) class Closure
built-in procedures car, cdr class Intrinsic
continuations class Continuation
  • Integers are represented by bigint, which is supported by TypeScipt 3.2 and later, Node.js 10.4 and later, Firefox 68 and later etc. On the platforms that do not support bigint (e.g. Safari 13.0), integers are represented by number automatically. See tryToParse in arith.ts.

The implementation is similar to those of little-scheme-in-dart and little-scheme-in-cs.

Expression types

  • v [variable reference]

  • (e0 e1...) [procedure call]

  • (quote e)
    'e [transformed into (quote e) when read]

  • (if e1 e2 e3)
    (if e1 e2)

  • (begin e...)

  • (lambda (v...) e...)

  • (set! v e)

  • (define v e)

For simplicity, this Scheme treats (define v e) as an expression type.

Built-in procedures

(car lst) (display x) (+ n1 n2)
(cdr lst) (newline) (- n1 n2)
(cons x y) (read) (* n1 n2)
(eq? x y) (eof-object? x) (< n1 n2)
(pair? x) (symbol? x) (= n1 n2)
(null? x) (call/cc fun) (number? x)
(not x) (apply fun arg) (globals)
(list x ...) (error reason arg)
  • (error reason arg) throws an error with the message "Error: reason: arg". It is based on SRFI-23.

  • (globals) returns a list of keys of the global environment. It is not in the standard.

See GlobalEnv in scm.ts for the implementation of the procedures except call/cc and apply.
call/cc and apply are implemented particularly at applyFunction in scm.ts.

I hope this serves as a handy model of how to write a Scheme interpreter in TypeScript/JavaScript.