- 2
Satdump file naming convention differs now from what i it was, not compatible with current Sanchez
#103 opened by creinemann - 0
Add build instructions to the wiki
#104 opened by nullpainter - 3
How do you install on a raspberry pi?
#102 opened by mattfox27 - 4
Option 'mode' is unknown. error
#100 opened by mattfox27 - 2
reproject issues
#99 opened by hasaranga - 6
Running on Orange Pi
#98 opened by hasaranga - 2
How to add country border lines?
#97 opened by hasaranga - 13
- 11
Centre reprojected image on longitude
#95 opened by thomasdouwes - 3
Underlay cache does not keep transparency
#94 opened by thomasdouwes - 11
Support for FY_2x?
#81 opened by bclswl0827 - 36
sanchez version 1.0.20 (and 1.0.19) fail to include GOES 18 image when doing a global combined IR image
#84 opened by KiwiInNZ - 1
- 0
- 2
- 0
- 0
Log source filename on image read failures
#76 opened by nullpainter - 0
- 2
error while using sanchez
#77 opened by YD1RUH - 4
- 0
Create underlay git repository
#65 opened by nullpainter - 4
Dynamically identify EWS-G1 horizontal offset
#72 opened by nullpainter - 6
EWS-G1 settings for .json file
#70 opened by creinemann - 0
Add histogram equalisation documentation
#74 opened by nullpainter - 0
Satellite channel info
#73 opened by nullpainter - 1
Global Composite Using Xplanet to create the day/night layer, with IR Imagery from GOES 16-17,GK2A, Himawari-8, EWS-G1, ElektroL2
#69 opened by creinemann - 1
- 0
- 3
0.5km resolution support
#64 opened by ZbychuButItWasTaken - 4
Command to do 24 hour Stitch in a Specific Date
#67 opened by ZL1LAC - 4
Command line basics for a single image?
#68 opened by tegwilym - 1
Scanning for files is very slow
#62 opened by nullpainter - 2
- 3
Incorrect images being used in stitch
#63 opened by ZL1LAC - 0
Transparent background when saving as PNG
#61 opened by nullpainter - 1
On Home Wiki Page
#55 opened by creinemann - 0
Add Getting Started page
#58 opened by nullpainter - 5
No images are getting rendered: [Warning] Unable to find filename parser for "a1 (14).jpg"
#57 opened by microp11 - 2
sample image
#44 opened by zhzhixi - 2
Getting an error when trying to reproject and stitch GOES 13,16,17,Himawari8, and GK2A
#54 opened by creinemann - 0
Add haze transparency control
#48 opened by nullpainter - 0
- 3
- 1
- 3
- 1
- 3
Inconsistent brightness on win x64
#47 opened by jiangyi1985 - 10
GOES 16 8.30.2020 this is Band 02 processed with Sanchez software, I then applied my custom LUT to the image.
#46 opened by creinemann - 0
Look into OpenCL
#45 opened by nullpainter - 0
Optimise projection for multiple images
#43 opened by nullpainter