
Example code for the faculty enrichment program 2022

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Malaria Modeling Faculty Enrichment Program 2022

Technical track (EMOD)

Example scripts for the weekly lessons of the faculty enrichment program 2022.

Overview: This readme includes detailed instructions for each week example exercise. An exercise usually consists of a simulation and an analyzer of simulation outputs. In some weeks, additional scripts exist to prepare simulation inputs or generate additional outputs and plots, or for model calibration as described in the instructions for the respective weeks. Weekly analyzer scripts already exists in the repository whereas the simulation scripts need to be copied over from Week 1 and further edited or newly created as instructed in following weeks.

Checking results: For each week suggested simulation scripts for comparison or help during the exercise are provided in the folder Solution_scripts. Also, at the end of the instructions results images and plots are included to compare against.

Prerequisites: Before running the weekly example scripts, please ensure that EMOD and dtk have been successfully installed and that the repository has been cloned to your local computer, ideally under /<.username>/Documents/faculty-enrich-2022-examples. It also needs dtk virtual environment loaded and assumes files are run from a working directory set to where the script is located. Before you start on an exercise, make sure that you have pulled or fetched the latest changes from the repository (see git-guides git-pull).

Weekly example exercises Week 1-8

Table 1: Overview of main scripts used throughout the course

Script Description
analyzer_collection.py collection of different analyzers used returning csv files
analyze_exampleSim_wX.py the main analyzer script which changes each week (w1, w2,...w5)
generate_input_files.py the default script for creating demographics and climate which needs to run only once or when substantial changes are made
plot_exampleSim_w4.py, plot_exampleSim_w4.R plotting scripts outside of analyzer in python or R, introduced in Week 4
run_exampleSim_wX.py the main simulation script which will be expanded and modified throughout the lessons
simtools.ini Configuration file for main directories required to run simulations (1 single file need in same directory where simulation or analyser script is run). Once paths have been defined, this file does not require any further editing.

Week 1: Overview of EMOD

Lesson Week 1

EMOD How To's:

  • Update simtools.ini
  • Define exp_name and identify expt_id

This week's exercise introduces the simplest version or running and analyzing a single simulation experiment in EMOD using the dtk infrastructure and python. Before running a simulation, one needs to check that all configurations and installations were successful and edit paths in simtools.ini file. The steps are 1) to run simulation and 2) to analyze simulation outputs. If that all works without any issues, the goal for week 1 has been reached!


Click to expand

  • Adjust paths in simtools.ini by replacing <USERNAME> with your username in path (5 locations)
  • Run simulation via python run_exampleSim.py
  • Wait simulation to finish (~5 minutes)
    • Note, when running locally, the console might return an psutil.AccessDenied text error, however the simulation can still successfully run and finish.
    • If there are problems with running locally, you can peek into Week 6 on how to change SetupParser to run on COMPS (requires login)!
  • Go to the experiments/ folder to notice the generated simulation experiment named ' username_FE_2022_example_w1___2022_04_29_02_14_46_106520' The last part after the '___' is the experiment id and changes with each simulation.
  • Update expt_id in analyze_exampleSim_w1.py Line 14 (copy number sequence after ___, also printed to console)
  • Run analyzer via python analyze_exampleSim_w1.py
  • Inspect simulation_outputs/ to see generated simulation results (csv file and plot)
  • Done!
Check results

Terminal output after running run_exampleSim.py ![img](static/w1_local_console run_exampleSim.png)

Once finished ![img](static/w1_local_console run_exampleSim_finished.png)

Generated experiment files img

Terminal output after running analyze_exampleSim_w1.py img

Generated simulation output files


All_Age_Monthly_Cases.csv shows selected monitored malaria outcomes for the total population in the simulation aggregated per month for the simulation duration, in this example 1 year. img

Generated plot


Week 2: Basic building blocks of EMOD

Lesson Week 2

EMOD How To's:

This week's exercise demonstrates how to create demographics and climate files and how to incorporate these into the simulation. The exercise further introduces how to modify config parameters (i.e. population size or simulation duration) and observe changes in simulation results based on the InsetChart.json model outputs.


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  • Create demographics and climate files via python generate_input_files.py (requires access to COMPS for climate database : ask someone from NU team)

  • Copy run_exampleSim.py and name it run_exampleSim_w2.py and in the script change exp_name to f'{user}_FE_2022_example_w2'

  • Update default parameters in your simulation script (run_exampleSim_w2.py):

        'Demographics_Filenames': [os.path.join('Ghana', 'Ghana_2.5arcmin_demographics.json')],
        "Air_Temperature_Filename": os.path.join('Ghana', 'Ghana_30arcsec_air_temperature_daily.bin'),
        "Land_Temperature_Filename": os.path.join('Ghana', 'Ghana_30arcsec_air_temperature_daily.bin'),
        "Rainfall_Filename": os.path.join('Ghana', 'Ghana_30arcsec_rainfall_daily.bin'),
        "Relative_Humidity_Filename": os.path.join('Ghana', 'Ghana_30arcsec_relative_humidity_daily.bin'),
        "Age_Initialization_Distribution_Type": 'DISTRIBUTION_COMPLEX'
  • Add custom reporter with annual summary for different age groups (see EMOD How To's) or suggested example below. Add the import statement at the top and the call to add_summary_report() around line 26 (before run_sim_args is defined):

    from malaria.reports.MalariaReport import add_summary_report
    add_summary_report(cb, start=1, interval=365,
                     age_bins=[0.25, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 100, 120], 
  • Increase simulation duration from 1 to 3 years by modifying the initial call to DTKConfigBuilder:

    years = 3
    cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM', Simulation_Duration=years*365)
  • Run simulation as learned in week 1 and wait for simulation to finish (~5 minutes)

    • Note, if there are problems with running locally, you can peek into Week 6 on how to change SetupParser to run on COMPS (requires login)!
  • Run analyzer script for Week 2 analyze_exampleSim_w2.py (don't forget to update expt_id!)

  • Inspect simulation_outputs and the generated plots

    • Optional: rerun analyzer with plot for week 1 and compare.
    • Note that EMOD is a stochastic model and any changes at low population size and few repetitions might be at random and not necessarily due to the parameter change!
  • Run additional simulations with different durations, population sizes or for different agebins (Tip: change exp_name to keep track of your simulations)

    # Example of how to change additional parameters from the config file
          'x_Base_Population': 1,
          'x_Birth': 1,
          'x_Temporary_Larval_Habitat': 1
  • Again, inspect the simulation outputs and compare them against each other:

    • How do the outcomes change?
    • What do you recognize about running time?
Check results

Generated simulation files

Generated plot from InsetChart

Generated plot from annual summmary report

View suggested solution script for week 2

Week 3: Interventions in EMOD

Lesson Week 3

EMOD How To's:

This week's exercise introduces how to implement the major malaria interventions in the EMOD simulation and is split into 2 parts:

  • PART I - customization of the simulation, add interventions and reports
  • PART II - multi-simulation experiment using ModBuilder

PART I, provides the parameterization or python code chunk for each of the main malaria interventions available in EMOD, and the exercise is to add these to the simulation script together with proper 'reporting events' to be able to ensure that the intervention is successfully deployed in the simulation. In addition, the ModBuilder is introduced in order to be able to run the same simulation multiple times, since EMOD is a stochastic model.

When simulating interventions, one might want to compare 'intervention' against 'no intervention', which can be achieved by expanding the ModBuilder to run multiple coverage values, or also other parameter values within a single experiments (PART II).


PART I - customization of the simulation, add interventions and reports

Click here to expand

  • Copy run_exampleSim_w2.py and name it run_exampleSim_w3a.py and in the script change exp_name to f'{user}_FE_2022_example_w3a'

  • Add case management + 2 additional interventions of choice to your simulation script (run_exampleSim_w3a.py). For each intervention, add the corresponding code chunk as well as module import into the run_exampleSim_w3a.py.

    • Suggested intervention code snippets:
      • add_health_seeking

         from malaria.interventions.health_seeking import add_health_seeking
         #Clinical cases
         add_health_seeking(cb, start_day=366,
                            targets=[{'trigger': 'NewClinicalCase', 'coverage': 0.7,
                                      'agemin': 0, 'agemax': 5, 'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.3},
                                     {'trigger': 'NewClinicalCase', 'coverage': 0.5,
                                      'agemin': 5, 'agemax': 100, 'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.3}],
                            drug=['Artemether', 'Lumefantrine'])
         #Severe cases
         add_health_seeking(cb, start_day=366,
                            targets=[{'trigger': 'NewSevereCase', 'coverage': 0.49, 
                             'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.5}],
                    drug=['Artemether', 'Lumefantrine'],

        Note: two add_health_seeking events were added to allow tracking clinical and severe treatments separately

        • First one uses default event 'Received_Treatment',
        • second one uses 'Received_Severe_Treatment' by specifying broadcast_event_name = 'Received_Severe_Treatment'

      • add_drug_campaign

         from malaria.interventions.malaria_drug_campaigns import add_drug_campaign
         add_drug_campaign(cb, campaign_type='SMC', drug_code='SPA',
                           target_group={'agemin': 0.25, 'agemax': 5},

        Note: default event 'Received_Campaign_Drugs' has been changed by specifying receiving_drugs_event_name ='Received_SMC'

      • add_ITN

         from dtk.interventions.itn import add_ITN
                 start=366,  # starts on first day of second year
                     {"coverage": 1, "min": 0, "max": 10},  # Highest coverage for 0-10 years old
                     {"coverage": 0.75, "min": 10, "max": 50}, # 25% lower than for children for 10-50 years old
                     {"coverage":  0.6, "min": 50, "max": 125} # 40% lower than for children for everyone else
                 repetitions=5,  # ITN will be distributed 5 times
                 tsteps_btwn_repetitions=365 * 3  # three years between ITN distributions

        Note: default event 'Received_ITN'. If desired to change this could be done by specifying receiving_itn_event_name

      • add_IRS

         from dtk.interventions.irs import add_IRS
         add_IRS(cb, start=366,
                 coverage_by_ages=[{"coverage": 0.8, "min": 0, "max": 100}],
                     "class": "WaningEffectBoxExponential",
                     "Box_Duration": 180,  # based on PMI data from Burkina
                     "Decay_Time_Constant": 90,  # Sumishield from Benin
                     "Initial_Effect": 0.7},

        Note: default event 'Received_IRS'. If desired to change this could be done by specifying receiving_irs_event

      • add_larvicides

         from dtk.interventions.novel_vector_control import add_larvicides
         add_larvicides(cb, start_day=366, 

      • add_vaccine

         from malaria.interventions.malaria_vaccine import add_vaccine
                                         {"Initial_Effect": 0.8,
                                          "Decay_Time_Constant": 592.4066512,
                                          "class": 'WaningEffectExponential'}},
                     target_group={'agemin': 274, 'agemax': 275})  # children 9 months of age

        Note: default event 'Received_Vaccine' and receiving_vaccine_event does not need to be specified in this case unless desired to change

  • To keep track of the campaign events in the simulations, add event_list and expand as needed via event_list = event_list + [<new_event_name>]

    • Event names: 'Received_Treatment', 'Received_Severe_Treatment','Received_ITN','Received_IRS', 'Received_SMC', 'Received_Vaccine' For example, if you added case management and ITNs, define event_list like this:
      event_list = ['Received_Treatment', 'Received_ITN']
  • Next, add an event reporter to monitor these events:

    • Report_Event_Counter for aggregated event counts:
      from malaria.reports.MalariaReport import add_event_counter_report
      add_event_counter_report(cb, event_trigger_list=event_list, start=0, duration=10000)
    • Report_Event_Recorder for individual events:
         "Report_Event_Recorder": 1,
         "Report_Event_Recorder_Individual_Properties": [],
         "Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List": 0,
         "Report_Event_Recorder_Events": event_list,
         'Custom_Individual_Events': event_list
      Note the Report_Event_Recorder output can get very large and usually is disabled for large interventions
  • Add ModBuilder to allow running different stochastic seeds:

    from simtools.ModBuilder import ModBuilder, ModFn
    numseeds = 3
    builder = ModBuilder.from_list([[ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'Run_Number', x),
                                     ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'Scenario', 'Basic')  # optional
                                    for x in range(numseeds)

    Adjust the run_sim_args block to include the builder:

    run_sim_args = {
        'exp_name': f'{user}_FE_2022_example_w3a',
        'config_builder': cb,
        'exp_builder' : builder
  • Now, run the simulation and wait for it to finish (~5 minutes)

  • While simulations runs, look at the generated campaign file, does it include all interventions specified?

    • The campaign.json file is located in your experiment simulation folder.
  • Run analyzer script for Week 3 (analyze_exampleSim_w3a.py)

    • Don't forget to update expt_id!
    • And update event_list in the analyzer to what you used in run_exampleSim_w3a.py
  • Inspect the different results generated in simulation_outputs.

    • Are all intervention events happening as expected?
    • Parameters changes you can explore with further simulations:
      • disable and enable interventions by changing coverage: be sure to change your experiment name if you run more experiments.
        • does malaria transmission get interrupted if you set all to 1?
      • age group receiving an intervention
      • efficacy or start date of an intervention
  • Extension: run another simulation to try out other interventions

    • i.e. when using add_ITN_age_season instead of add_ITN it allows to track the custom events 'Bednet_Got_New_One', 'Bednet_Using', 'Bednet_Discarded'.
      • add_ITN_age_season

         from dtk.interventions.itn_age_season import add_ITN_age_season
         add_ITN_age_season(cb, start=366,
                                "Initial_Effect": 0.520249973,  # LLIN Burkina
                                "Decay_Time_Constant": 1460,
                                "class": "WaningEffectExponential"},
                                "Initial_Effect": 0.53,
                                "Decay_Time_Constant": 730,
                                "class": "WaningEffectExponential"},
                            discard_times={"Expiration_Period_Distribution": "DUAL_EXPONENTIAL_DISTRIBUTION",
                                           "Expiration_Period_Proportion_1": 0.9,
                                           "Expiration_Period_Mean_1": 365 * 1.7,  # Burkina 1.7
                                           "Expiration_Period_Mean_2": 3650},
                            age_dependence={'Times': [0, 100],
                                            'Values': [0.9, 0.9]},
                            duration=-1, birth_triggered=False

      • When the simulation is complete, try running the BednetUsageAnalyzer.

  • Extension: Try another analyzer such as the TransmissionReport.

  • Extension: Try adding ReportEventRecorder (see how-to's) and use the IndividualEventsAnalyzer to look at output.

Check results

Raw output files in the experiment folder under outputs.


ReportEventCounter with campaign events, aggregated for total population. Most Interventions were set to start after day 366, hence there are 365 zeros in the "Data": [0, 0, ...]


Tip: Notepad ++ offers helpful json plugins. Json files can also be viewed in Pycharm.

Generated results after running analyzer in simulation_outputs/<.exp_name>:


Aggregated event report


View suggested solution script for week 3 (a)

PART II - multi-simulation experiment using ModBuilder

Click here to expand

  • Copy run_exampleSim_w3a.py and name it run_exampleSim_w3b.py and in the script change exp_name to f'{user}_FE_2022_example_w3b'

  • ModBuilder can consume the same add_x() intervention functions as used above in PART I, however it's often cleaner to wrap each add_x() into another function as shown below. For each intervention you wrap and use in the builder, make sure that it's not ALSO called directly using add_x().

    • case_management

       def case_management(cb, cm_cov_U5, cm_cov_adults=0.5):
           add_health_seeking(cb, start_day=0,
                              targets=[{'trigger': 'NewClinicalCase', 'coverage': cm_cov_U5,
                                        'agemin': 0, 'agemax': 5, 'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.3},
                                       {'trigger': 'NewClinicalCase', 'coverage': cm_cov_adults,
                                        'agemin': 5, 'agemax': 100, 'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.3},
                                       {'trigger': 'NewSevereCase', 'coverage': 0.85,
                                        'agemin': 0, 'agemax': 100, 'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.5}],
                              drug=['Artemether', 'Lumefantrine'])
           return {'cm_cov_U5': cm_cov_U5,
                   'cm_cov_adults': cm_cov_adults}

    • smc_intervention

       def smc_intervention(cb, coverage_level, day=366, cycles=4):
           add_drug_campaign(cb, campaign_type='SMC', drug_code='SPA',
                             target_group={'agemin': 0.25, 'agemax': 5},
           return {'smc_start': day,
                   'smc_coverage': coverage_level}

    • itn_intervention

       def itn_intervention(cb, coverage_level, day=366):
                   start=day,  # starts on first day of second year
                       {"coverage": coverage_level, "min": 0, "max": 10},  # Highest coverage for 0-10 years old
                       {"coverage": coverage_level * 0.75, "min": 10, "max": 50},
                       # 25% lower than for children for 10-50 years old
                       {"coverage": coverage_level * 0.6, "min": 50, "max": 125}
                       # 40% lower than for children for everyone else
                   repetitions=5,  # ITN will be distributed 5 times
                   tsteps_btwn_repetitions=365 * 3  # three years between ITN distributions
           return {'itn_start': day, 'itn_coverage': coverage_level}
      event_list = event_list + ['Received_ITN']
       ### Or alternatiively 
       def itn_intervention(cb, coverage_level, day=366):
           add_ITN_age_season(cb, start=day,
                                  "Initial_Effect": 0.520249973,  # LLIN Burkina
                                  "Decay_Time_Constant": 1460,
                                  "class": "WaningEffectExponential"},
                                  "Initial_Effect": 0.53,
                                  "Decay_Time_Constant": 730,
                                  "class": "WaningEffectExponential"},
                              discard_times={"Expiration_Period_Distribution": "DUAL_EXPONENTIAL_DISTRIBUTION",
                                             "Expiration_Period_Proportion_1": 0.9,
                                             "Expiration_Period_Mean_1": 365 * 1.7,  # Burkina 1.7
                                             "Expiration_Period_Mean_2": 3650},
                              age_dependence={'Times': [0, 100],
                                              'Values': [0.9, 0.9]},
                              duration=-1, birth_triggered=False
           return {'itn_start': day,
                   'itn_coverage': coverage_level}
      event_list = event_list + ['Bednet_Got_New_One', 'Bednet_Using', 'Bednet_Discarded']  # when using add_ITN_age_season

    • irs_intervention

       # IRS, start after 1 year - single campaign
       def irs_intervention(cb, coverage_level, day=366):
           add_IRS(cb, start=day,
                   coverage_by_ages=[{"coverage": coverage_level, "min": 0, "max": 100}],
                       "class": "WaningEffectBoxExponential",
                       "Box_Duration": 180,  # based on PMI data from Burkina
                       "Decay_Time_Constant": 90,  # Sumishield from Benin
                       "Initial_Effect": 0.7},
           return {'irs_start': day,
                   'irs_coverage': coverage_level}

    • rtss_intervention

       # malaria vaccine (RTS,S), no booster start after 1 year
       def rtss_intervention(cb, coverage_level, day=366, agemin=274, agemax=275, initial_efficacy=0.8):
                                           {"Initial_Effect": initial_efficacy,
                                            "Decay_Time_Constant": 592.4066512,
                                            "class": 'WaningEffectExponential'}},
                       target_group={'agemin': agemin, 'agemax': agemax})  # children 9 months of age
           return {'rtss_start': day,
                   'rtss_coverage': coverage_level,
                   'rtss_initial_effect': initial_efficacy}

  • Modify the ModBuilder to allow running different parameter sweeps for intervention coverage using the functions newly added:

    builder = ModBuilder.from_list([[ModFn(case_management, cm_cov_U5),
                                     ModFn(smc_intervention, coverage_level=smc_cov),
                                     ModFn(rtss_intervention, coverage_level=rtss_cov),
                                     ModFn(itn_intervention, coverage_level=itn_cov),
                                     ModFn(irs_intervention, coverage_level=irs_cov),
                                     ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'Run_Number', x)
                                    for cm_cov_U5 in [0.6]
                                    for smc_cov in [0, 1]
                                    for rtss_cov in [0]
                                    for itn_cov in [0]
                                    for irs_cov in [0]
                                    for x in range(numseeds)
  • Run simulations

    • While waiting, check out the generated experiment folder, that now includes more subfolders for each of the single simulations. Open two campaign files and compare, do you see any differences?
      (Tip: Many text editors allow side by side comparison of two scripts, automatically highlighting differences)
  • Open second analyzer script for Week 3 (analyze_exampleSim_w3b.py) to update the exp_id as usual, but now also check that all the relevant sweep variables are included in sweep_variables and all the events of interest are included in event_list. The sweep_variables need to change according to the ModBuilder and custom functions that return parameters, which uniquely define single simulations.

        ## Example of sweep_variables in analyzer (customize to your simulation)  
        sweep_variables = ['cm_cov_U5', 'smc_coverage', 'itn_coverage', 'irs_coverage', 'rtss_coverage', 'Run_Number']
  • Inspect simulation_outputs and compare against outputs from the previous week.

  • Change intervention parameters in the ModBuilder and repeat the simulation process to become more familiar with the whole process.

Check results

The generated result figures include separate lines. The Run_Numbers were aggregated using the mean and the intervention coverage levels are used as additional grouping variables when aggregating simulation outputs. You may need to adjust the location of the legend if it's covering your plot!

Examples with 4 levels of case management and 2 levels (off and on) of SMC:

Fig: Agebin_PfPR_ClinicalIncidence


Fig: All_Age_Monthly_Cases


Fig: Interventions distributed


Note, if too many parameters changed at once without clear labelling, the results can become difficult to interpret!

View suggested solution script for week 3 (b)

Week 4: Analyzers and plotters

Lesson Week 4

EMOD How To's:

This week's exercise focuses on the analyzer, i.e. the postprocessing of simulation outputs.

  • analysing single simulation (already done Week 1-2)
  • Multi-simulation experiment (introduced in Week 3, but more options for reporting available)
  • Saving to csv (in previous weeks no csv was saved and plots automatically generated)
  • Plotting in and outside of the analyzer using Python or R (this allows more flexibility and additional analysis after the simulation experiment finished)

The exercise is split into 2 parts: PART I adds more reporters for additional model output files to analyze and PART II provides examples of how to generate plots from the saved csv file from PART I.


PART I - Analyzer

Click here to expand

  • Copy run_exampleSim_w3b.py and name it run_exampleSim_w4.py and in the script change exp_name to f'{user}_FE_2022_example_w4'

  • Cleanup your simulation script (run_exampleSim_w4.py) of any unwanted interventions that were explored during the previous week

    • Adjust coverage levels in ModBuilder to select/unselect interventions to include or change number of simulations to run (optional)
  • If not already there, enable or modify the individual-level event reporter as shown below. This example assumes there is case management for malaria in the simulation.

      'Report_Event_Recorder': 1,  # Enable generation of ReportEventRecorder.csv  
      'Report_Event_Recorder_Ignore_Events_In_List': 0, # Logical indicating whether to include or exclude the events specified in the list 
      'Report_Event_Recorder_Events': ['NewClinicalCase', 'Received_Treatment'], # List of events to include
  • Add a new summary report with monthly monitoring for children under the age of 5 years only (keep min age 0.25)

    for year in range(years):
      start_day = 365 + 365 * year
      sim_year = sim_start_year + year
      add_summary_report(cb, start=start_day, interval=30,
                         age_bins=[0.25, 5, 100],
  • Add MalariaFilteredReport which is the same as InsetChart but we can ask only to report on part of the simulation time (or just a subset of nodes, for spatial simulations).

    from malaria.reports.MalariaReport import add_filtered_report, add_event_counter_report
    add_filtered_report(cb, start=(years-1)*365, end=years * 365)
    • Any analyzer script in analyzer_collection.py that uses InsetChart.json can use ReportMalariaFiltered.json instead if you update the self.filenames= section.
  • Run simulations

    • While simulations are running, you may take a look at analyze_exampleSim_w4.py, and corresponding analyzer_collection.py to explore the different Analyzer Classes used, no need to understand these in detail!
  • Run the analyzer script analyze_exampleSim_w4.py (remember to change exp_id :) )

    • This time, we didn't automatically generate plots! Now up to you to generate the plots you need.
  • Inspect simulation_outputs and familiarize yourself with the csv files and match them to the analyzer + reports used in the simulation

  • Run additional simulations and change the reports, for instance the agebins or reporting interval, and edit the analyzer accordingly (both analyze_exampleSim_w4.py, and corresponding analyzer_collection.py)!

    • Change age group:

      • Add summary report for children under the age of 10 (U10) in your simulation script.
      • In the analyzer script, copy the analyzer MonthlyPfPRAnalyzerU5 and replace U5 with U10
        • voilà a new analyzer for malaria outcomes aggregated for children under the age of 10 has been created!
        • The principle of the MonthlyPfPRAnalyzers is the same for any age group as long as the indexing and number of agebins are matched correctly!
    • Change monitoring interval:

      • Add summary report for weekly reporting in your simulation script.
      • Note: In practice a monitoring intervals of either 365 or 30 days are easiest to interpret and collected data is also often per months or year. But in some occassions and also for exercise, weekly agebins might be of interest too (for shorter total simulation period).
    • Analyze additional outcome measures to look at (no new simulation needed)

      • Look at the json file under DataByTimeAndAgeBins (in COMPS or Notepadd++)
        • additional outcome examples 'New Infections by Age Bin', 'Annual Moderate Anemia by Age Bin', 'Mean Log Parasite Density by Age Bin'
      • Add additional lines for new outcome measure, i.e. New Infections py d = data[fname]['DataByTimeAndAgeBins']['New Infections by Age Bin'][:12] new_infect = [x[age] for x in d] py simdata = pd.DataFrame({'month': range(1, 13), 'PfPR': pfpr, 'Cases': clinical_cases, 'Severe cases': severe_cases, 'New infections': new_infect, ## newly added 'Pop': pop})
  • Great! All the changes done demonstrate the flexibility of analyzers that can be highly customized to the user's and project needs. If you are interested to learn more about reporters and how to analyze them, check out the EMOD How To's or IDM's EMOD documentation!

  • Optional:

    • Advanced: check the analyzer_collection.py for other analyzers that might be applicable to your simulation. You also may have noticed that there are 2 analyzer commented out in analyze_exampleSim_w4.py , you can try to uncomment them to enable them and rerun the analyzer. (Using comments is a convenient way to adjust which analyzers to run.)
    • It time: play around with json_explorer.py in Pycharm interactively to better understand reading in data from json selectively!
Check results

Example of EMOD generated simulation outputs

Example of a summary report json file, MalariaSummaryReport_Annual_Agebin.json

Example of simulation results, after running the analyzer (only csv files, see Part II for plots). The csv files that you should have:

  • 'All_Age_InsetChart.csv' ,
  • 'Agebin_PfPR_ClinicalIncidence_annual.csv' ,
  • 'Event_Count.csv'
  • 'U5_PfPR_ClinicalIncidence.csv' ## or more depending on additional summary reports for aggregated age
  • 'annual_transmission_report_all_years.csv' ## (optional)
  • 'IndividualEvents_all_years.csv' ## (optional)


View suggested solution scripts for week 4 simulation file , and edited analyzer file .

PART II - Plotting

Click here to expand

  • Check your csv files (see Part I) and make sure all required csv files were generated, optionally disable plots in the plotting script by commenting them out.
  • Run plotting scripts either using Python or R:
    • Python: plot_exampleSim_w4.py
    • R: plot_exampleSim_w4.R
  • Look at the figures more critically, anything you would like to change?
    • Given the interventions implemented does the curves look as expected?
  • Open the plotting script of your choice (python or R) and adjust axis titles, colors or even add your own plot!
    • Note that the plots simply combine all sweep_variables in the legend. When having too many sweeps, the final output becomes difficult to interpret. These plots are good for diagnostic checks of correctness of experiment simulated, but not for presenting to others.
  • Some suggested explorations _(no need to do all, some more meaningful than others ;)
    • plot_inset_chart: per default plots selected channels over time per sweep_variables combination
      • a) modify channels_inset_chart to plot other channels (might need to adjust analyzer to write out more channels)
      • b) modify x axis to show date in different format and interval
      • c) change color for no intervention (case management only) to black.
      • d) add custom labels to sweep_variable combinations to have a better readable legend
    • plot_summary_report:
      • a) apply some of the changes done for plot_inset_chart to the summary report
      • b) when you have added an additional age group analyzer, modify Uage to plot results for the other age group
    • plot_agebin_summary_report: per default aggregates all years to plot agebins on the x-axis, and has multiple panels of defined channels (channels_summary_report).
      • a) modify the figure to have agebin as color and unique_scen as panels, with time on the x-axis (annual or monthly summary report csv)
      • b) modify the figure to have agebin as panels (facets) and time on the x-axis (annual or monthly summary report csv)
    • plot_events:
    • a) adjust y-axis to for coverage channels to show values as percentage
    • b) set y-axis limits to have same y-axis for the left panels (number of individuals that received an intervention) and for the right panels (proportion of individuals that received an intervention)
Check results

Example Agebin_PfPR_ClinicalIncidence figure generated in Python

Example Agebin_PfPR_ClinicalIncidence figure generated in R

Example All_Age_Monthly_Cases figure generated in Python

Example All_Age_Monthly_Cases figure generated in R

Example Events figure generated in Python

Example Events figure generated in R img

Week 5: no technical curriculum

Week 6: Serialization

Lesson Week 6

EMOD How To's:

This week's exercise demonstrates the concept of serializing populations in simulations. Serialization allows us to run simulations, save them at a certain point in time, and simulate another campaign/scenario starting from the point we saved. We can run multiple simulations on the same population in series.

  • We often use this process to save long initial simulations called "burnins", during which population immunity is established.
  • We don't want to wait for this to run everytime, so we serialize the population at the end of the "burnin" and then run shorter simulations of interventions (also called "pickup" simulations).

The exercise has three parts. In part 1 you will run and save a "burnin" simulation. In part 2 you will "pickup" this simulation and add antimalarial interventions. In part 3 you will repeat parts 1 & 2 using a longer "burnin" duration, and compare the results.


PART I - Create a “Burn-in” simulation

Click here to expand

  • Create a new python script named 'run_exampleSim_w6a.py'
  • Based on what you’ve learned from previous examples, add the basic code chunks needed to run a simulation, excluding interventions. Check the details below for help and additional comments.
    • Import modules

       import os
       from dtk.utils.core.DTKConfigBuilder import DTKConfigBuilder
       from dtk.vector.species import set_species, set_larval_habitat
       from simtools.ExperimentManager.ExperimentManagerFactory import ExperimentManagerFactory
       from simtools.SetupParser import SetupParser
       from simtools.ModBuilder import ModBuilder, ModFn

    • SetupParser and SimulationDuration

      - Run the simulation with 1 seed, and for 10 years. (For testing you might first run just 1 year). - Instead of `years`, define `serialize_years` and use 1 seed only - To keep track of the corresponding time in your experiment, you can include `sim_start_year = 2022 - serialize_years`

       SetupParser.default_block = 'HPC'
       numseeds = 1
       serialize_years = 10
       sim_start_year = 2022  - serialize_years
       cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM', Simulation_Duration=serialize_years * 365)

    • Demographics

         'Demographics_Filenames': [os.path.join('Namawala', 'Namawala_single_node_demographics.json')],
         "Air_Temperature_Filename": os.path.join('Namawala', 'Namawala_single_node_air_temperature_daily.bin'),
         "Land_Temperature_Filename": os.path.join('Namawala', 'Namawala_single_node_land_temperature_daily.bin'),
         "Rainfall_Filename": os.path.join('Namawala', 'Namawala_single_node_rainfall_daily.bin'),
         "Relative_Humidity_Filename": os.path.join('Namawala', 'Namawala_single_node_relative_humidity_daily.bin')

      Note: You may either choose the default demographics for Namawala, or the one generated for Ghana.

    • Set vector species

       set_species(cb, ["arabiensis", "funestus", "gambiae"])
       set_larval_habitat(cb, {"arabiensis": {'TEMPORARY_RAINFALL': 7.5e9, 'CONSTANT': 1e7},
                               "funestus": {'WATER_VEGETATION': 4e8},
                               "gambiae": {'TEMPORARY_RAINFALL': 8.3e8, 'CONSTANT': 1e7}

    • Reporting

      Reporting during the burnin simulation is optional, it depends on the simulation duration and what you want to track or to check. If not disabled InsetChart is automatically included, and can be plotted, alternatively one can disable the InsetChart and include an annual summary report to keep track of i.e. malaria metrics in an age group that is also plotted during the main simulation.

    • ModBuilder and run_sim_args

       builder = ModBuilder.from_list([[ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'Run_Number', seed)]
                                       for seed in range(numseeds)
       user = os.getlogin()  # user initials
       run_sim_args = {
           'exp_name': f'{user}_FE_2022_example_w6a_50',
           'config_builder': cb,
           'exp_builder': builder

    • exp_manager and run_simulations

      if __name__ == "__main__":
          exp_manager = ExperimentManagerFactory.init()
          # Wait for the simulations to be done
          assert (exp_manager.succeeded())
  • Now, to serialize the simulations so that you can “pick up” from them again later, add the code chunk below to update the serialization configuration parameters. (see Simple Burn-In in EMOD How To's). The section ideally would be placed before or after the other cb.update_params in your script (i.e. after defining Demographics)
    • Serialization

          'Serialization_Time_Steps': [365 * serialize_years],
          'Serialization_Type': 'TIMESTEP',
          'Serialized_Population_Writing_Type': 'TIMESTEP',
          'Serialized_Population_Reading_Type': 'NONE',
          'Serialization_Mask_Node_Write': 0,
          'Serialization_Precision': 'REDUCED'

      Note: ‘serialize_years’ determines the duration of the simulation via Simulation_Duration is also used to define the Serialization_Time_Steps

  • If you have been testing with fewer years, run the simulation for 10 years (serialize_years = 10) and update the exp_name to reflect the duration, ex. 'burnin10'.
  • Run the analyzer analyze_exampleSim_w6.py to visualize the trend
    • Note, the analyzer script had been updated to allow running the same analyzer for PART I and PART II of the Week 6 examples, therefore, ensure that step is set to 'burnin' and update the serialize_years to correspond to the number of years run in the burnin experiment (10).
  • Optional:
    • test out a longer burnin durations (ex. 50 years) and compare the time-series shown in the InsetChart plot. Note: update the exp_name i.e. add 'burnin50', to keep track of your simulation iterations
Check results

Time-series of 10 year burn-in simulation img

PART II- Create a “Pickup“ simulation

Click here to expand

  • Create a new simulation experiment run_exampleSim_w6b.py that will be used to run a simulation picking up from the 10-year burnin simulations you ran in PART I.

  • To fill the script:

    • copy the content from run_exampleSim_w6a.py into the new script.
    • Add the following selected interventions and reporters for the future scenario simulation (see solution script):
    • Case Management / Health-Seeking
      • Starting on Day 0 of the pickup
      • Treatment is with AL
      • For NewClinicalCase:
        • Coverage = 0.7 for children U5, 0.5 for all age 5+
        • Seek = 1
        • Rate = 0.3 (takes 3.33 days on average)
      • For NewSevereCase:
        • Coverage = 0.85 for all ages
        • Seek = 1
        • Rate = 0.5 (takes 2 days on average)
    • ITNs
      • Starting on Day 1 of Year 2 in the pickup
      • Coverage of 0.6 for U5, 0.4 for ages 10-50 and 0.36 for ages 50+
      • Distributed every 3 years of the pickup simulation
      • Don't forget
        • add 'Received_ITN' to the event_list
        • return the U5 coverage level
    • Note that the start/end days for interventions and reports are relative to the beginning of the pick-up simulation - in other words, they re-start at zero.
  • Add custom or new parameters that define the simulation and burnin duration as well as ID of the burnin experiment. Add these at the top of your new script after your import statements:

    • pickup_years to define your SimulationDuration (i.e. # of years post-burnin). This will replace the years or serialize_years that you had previously in the script.

    • pull_year to define the year of the burn-in that serves as the start of the pick-up

      • Set equal to the value of serialize_years in run_exampleSim_w6a.py (either 10 or 50 years).
    • burnin_id = <exp_id> with the experiment_id from the burnin experiment you want to pick up from

    • n_seeds to define the number of stochastic runs executed under each parameter set

       burnin_id = "b4f6741c-07da-ec11-a9f8-b88303911bc1"  # UPDATE with burn-in experiment id
       pull_year = 10  # year of burn-in to pick-up from
       pickup_years = 5  # years of pick-up to run
       n_seeds = 3       # number of runs
       cb = DTKConfigBuilder.from_defaults('MALARIA_SIM', Simulation_Duration=pickup_years * 365)
  • retrieve output path from burnin experiment (see Picking up from Serialized Burn-in) in the EMOD How-To's.

    • import retrieve_experiment function via from simtools.Utilities.Experiments import retrieve_experiment

    • define ser_df

        expt = retrieve_experiment(burnin_id)  # Identifies the desired burn-in experiment
        # Loop through unique "tags" to distinguish between burn-in scenarios (ex. varied historical coverage levels)
        ser_df = pd.DataFrame([x.tags for x in expt.simulations])
        ser_df["outpath"] = pd.Series([sim.get_path() for sim in expt.simulations])
  • Then, add/edit the serialization configuration parameters (so EMOD picks up this simulation from the one you ran in PART I).

        'Serialized_Population_Reading_Type': 'READ',
        'Serialized_Population_Filenames': ['state-%05d.dtk' % (pull_year * 365)],
        'Serialized_Population_Path': os.path.join(ser_df["outpath"][0], 'output'),  # only use if having 1 single burnin
        'Enable_Random_Generator_From_Serialized_Population': 0,
        'Serialization_Mask_Node_Read': 0,
        'Enable_Default_Reporting': 1,
        'Disable_IP_Whitelist': 1
     _Notes: `pull_year` refers to the year of the burn-in to pickup from, usually the last year or the burnin. 
      In this example, the simulation will pick-up on Jan 1 of year 10._
    • Serialized_Population_Path in the example above takes only the first scenario of the burnin simulation (ser_df["outpath"][0]). To match simulation tags and run number in pick up to those in burnin (when running multiple burnin scenarios in one experiment) then Serialized_Population_Path needs to be defined in ModBuilder to allow sweeping through the scenarios of the burnin experiment (instead of cb.update_params). You only need to do this if there is more than 1 burnin simulation in your experiment. You should only have one builder in your script - if you already have one for interventions, you would add the following code to it.

      builder = ModBuilder.from_list([
           [ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'Serialized_Population_Path', os.path.join(row['outpath'], 'output')),
            ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'Run_Number', seed)
           for r, row in ser_df.iterrows()
           for seed in range(numseeds)
  • Run the experiment

  • Open the analyzer for week 6 analyze_exampleSim_w6.py and change some defaults commented out for PART I, then run the analyzer and check generated results.

    • update exp_name to 6b instead 6a
    • update exp_id, as usual
    • set step to 'pickup', this parameter has been added to allow running the same analyzer for both steps burnin and pickup
    • set sweep_variables to include any variables that differ between simulations within the experiment ['Run_Number' in this example].
      • You can see available variables as 'tags' if you run your simulations on COMPS.
  • Run plot_exampleSim_w6.py and notice the two time-series for both simulations combined in a single plot

Check results

Time-series of pick up simulation with burnin img

PART III - Compare “Pickup“ simulations across varying “Burn-in“ durations

Click here to expand

  • If not already done, run run_exampleSim_w6a.py with a longer burn-in (50 years).
  • When it finishes running (may take a while), update the burnin_id in run_exampleSim_w6b.py
  • Before running the experiment, update the exp_name (i.e. add 'burnin50'), to keep track of your simulation iterations Do not change anything else in the pickup simulation, to allow comparability across iterations picking up from different burnin durations.
  • Run the experiment
  • Plot results using plot_exampleSim_w6.py or a custom plotter using summary report outcomes
  • Compare the plots between the experiments with 10 and 50 year burnins. Do you notice any difference?
Check results

InsetChart of pick up simulation after 10 year burnin img

InsetChart of p pick up simulation after 50 year burnin img

Week 7: Sweeping and calibration

Read Lesson Week 7 to understand the basics of sweeping and calibration, and the story behind this week's example.


Click here to expand

  • Modify run_exampleBurnin_w6.py script with the following (You should duplicate and change the file name to run_exampleBurnin_w6.py.)

    • Change serialize_years to 20
    • Use ModBuilder to run 5 simulations instead of 1
    • numseeds = 5
      builder = ModBuilder.from_list([[ModFn(DTKConfigBuilder.set_param, 'Run_Number', x)]
                                      for x in range(numseeds)])
    • Add the ModBuilder object into run_sim_args
    • Modify exp_name in the run_sim_args to f'{user}_FE_2022_example_w7a'
  • Run the burnin in COMPS

  • Modify burnin_id in run_examplePickup_w7.py, understand what is the script trying to achieve here.

  • Run the 'pickup' in COMPS

  • Modify expt_id in analyze_exampleSim_w7.py

  • Run the analyzer

  • Finally run the script select_w7.py. This script calculate the average log-likelihood of each itn_coverage based on simulation output and produces some plots to visualize the parameter selection.

  • Inspect the plot in the corresponding folder in simulation_output folder.

  • (Optional) Try running the whole procedure but using Ghana input files instead. The (fake) Ghana DHS data is located in data/w7_fake_DHS_Ghana.csv. What do you need to change so that selection of parameters is based on this dataset?

  • (Optional) The choice of the itn_coverage here is based on 5 realizations which some may argue that the sample size is too small. Try to redo the exercise by increasing the number of realizations. Note that you need to decide if you want to rerun the burnin, or just increase the number of realizations in the pickup phase instead (What are the pros and cons of the two approaches?)

Check results

The log-likelihood of the itn_coverage would be printed out and look like this:

   itn_coverage        ll
0          0.20 -3.719067
1          0.25 -3.472211
2          0.30 -3.509376
3          0.35 -3.098715
4          0.40 -2.643516
5          0.45 -2.683272
6          0.50 -2.561883

And here is the plot out of select_w7.py script. On the left is the observed data (size of bubble is proportionate to sample size) vs simulated mean PfPR trajectory. On the right is the itn_coverage values and their corresponding log-likelihood.


Week 8: Individual properties

Lesson Week 8

EMOD How To's:

This week's example exercise introduces the concept and use case for individual properties. Individual properties allow to target specific groups of individuals by attaching a 'tag' or property to individuals in the simulation. These properties are completely customizable and for instance, they can be used to define intervention access, study enrollment, or drug response groups. It is also possible to have multiple individual properties.

  • Individual properties for intervention access groups
    • This example exercise uses individual properties to create 2 subgroups for intervention access: low access, high access.
    • For simplicity, it is assumed that their relative size is equal (50% low access, 50% high access).
    • Note that when deploying interventions at i.e. 80% coverage to the total population, the coverage for the subpopulations needs to be adjusted to reflect different population sizes, (covered in PART II).


In contrast to some other parameters, that can be easily switched on or off via cb.update_params, individual properties need to be set up in the demographics file and also in the simulation script (to target campaign events or reports as needed).

  • PART I shows how to modify the demographics file and asks to rerun a burnin similation (revisit week 6 for burnin), since demographics cannot be different in burnin and pick-up simulation.
  • PART II shows a) how to target an intervention to subpopulations defined by individual properties, and b) how to get a summary report separately for the subpopulations. (Depending on the research question individual properties might only be needed for interventions and not for the reports, or vice versa, if not both.)

PART I: Add IP's to demographics file

Click here to expand

  • First, a new demographics file needs to be generated that defines individual properties.
  • Modify generate_input_files.py as instructed below:
    • add a function that takes existing demographics json file and add individual properties to it in this example, we group individuals into a high and a low access group.

      ## Add Individual Properties (IPs)
      def add_IPs(demo_fname):
          """Add Access IP"""
          IPs = [{'Property': 'Access',
                  'Values': ['Low', 'High'],
                  'Initial_Distribution': [0.5, 0.5],
                  'Transitions': []}
          adf = pd.DataFrame({'Property': 'Access',
                              'Property_Value': ['Low', 'High'],
                              'Initial_Distribution': [0.5, 0.5]}
          adf['Property_Type'] = 'IP'
          adf['node'] = 1
          IP_demo_fname = os.path.join(demo_fname.replace('.json', '_wIP.json'))

      Instead of recreating the demographics and climate files, comment these out and add a call for the new add_IPs function as shown below:

      inputs_path = os.path.join('./', 'input/Namawala')
      demo_fname = os.path.join(inputs_path,'Namawala_single_node_demographics.json') 
      # generate_demographics(df, demo_fname)
      # generate_climate(demo_fname)  # no need to generate a 2nd time
  • Run python generate_input_files.py to generate the new demographics json file Ghana_demographics_wIP.json, and inspect the file to check whether the IP's were successfully added.
    • Optional, do the same for the Ghana demographics
  • Copy and rename both simulation scripts from week 7 to run_exampleSim_w8a.py and run_exampleSim_w8b.py
  • In both simulation scripts:
    • set Disable_IP_Whitelist to 1 (if not already set at 1)
      cb.update_params({'Disable_IP_Whitelist' : 1})
    • Update the demographics filename in cb.update_params({ 'Demographics_Filenames': [os.path.join('Namawala', 'Namawala_single_node_demographics.json')], to read in Namawala_single_node_demographics_wIP.json
    • Change exp_name to week 8 to keep track of simulations + weeks
  • Submit burnin experiment to run
Check results

The new demographics file should include the text chunk shown below:


PART II: Account for IP's in intervention and reports

Click here to expand

Note: Having the IPs included in the demographics won't have any effect on the simulation if interventions or campaigns do not distinguish individuals by their properties.

  • Modify the run_exampleSim_w8b.py script:

    • Add a helper function to re-calculate coverage depending on access group
    • Modify the interventions (i.e.add_ITN) to customize coverage levels for low versus high access groups.
      • duplicate the add_ITN within the def itn_intervention function

      • add ind_property_restrictions to have one set of ITNs be distributed to the low, the other to the high access group.

      • define two new parameters coverage_levels_low and coverage_levels_high

        view modified itn_intervention

        def itn_intervention(cb, coverage_level):
            ## Assume high access group = 0.5 of total population
            frac_high = 0.5
            if coverage_level > frac_high:
                coverage_level_high = 1
                coverage_level_low = (coverage_level - frac_high) / (1 - frac_high)
                coverage_level_low = 0
                coverage_level_high = coverage_level / frac_high
                    start=1,  # starts on first day of second year
                        {"coverage": coverage_level_low, "min": 0, "max": 10},  # Highest coverage for 0-10 years old
                        {"coverage": coverage_level_low * 0.75, "min": 10, "max": 50},
                        # 25% lower than for children for 10-50 years old
                        {"coverage": coverage_level_low * 0.6, "min": 50, "max": 125}
                        # 40% lower than for children for everyone else
                    repetitions=5,  # ITN will be distributed 5 times
                    tsteps_btwn_repetitions=365 * 3,  # three years between ITN distributions
                    ind_property_restrictions=[{'Access': 'Low'}]
                    start=1,  # starts on first day of second year
                        {"coverage": coverage_level_high, "min": 0, "max": 10},  # Highest coverage for 0-10 years old
                        {"coverage": coverage_level_high * 0.75, "min": 10, "max": 50},
                        # 25% lower than for children for 10-50 years old
                        {"coverage": coverage_level_high * 0.6, "min": 50, "max": 125}
                        # 40% lower than for children for everyone else
                    repetitions=5,  # ITN will be distributed 5 times
                    tsteps_btwn_repetitions=365 * 3,  # three years between ITN distributions
                    ind_property_restrictions=[{'Access': 'High'}]
            return {'itn_coverage': coverage_level}

      • add case management (see Week 3 for adding interventions)

        view modified case_management function

        def case_management(cb, cm_cov_U5=0.7, cm_cov_adults=0.5, cm_cov_severe=0.85):
            ## Assume high access group = 0.5 of total population
            frac_high = 0.5
            if cm_cov_U5 > frac_high:
                cm_cov_U5_high = 1
                cm_cov_U5_low = (cm_cov_U5 - frac_high) / (1 - frac_high)
                cm_cov_U5_low = 0
                cm_cov_U5_high = cm_cov_U5 / frac_high
            ## Optionally, depending on assumptions, do same for cm_cov_adults and cm_cov_severe
            add_health_seeking(cb, start_day=0,
                               targets=[{'trigger': 'NewClinicalCase', 'coverage': cm_cov_U5_low,
                                         'agemin': 0, 'agemax': 5, 'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.3},
                                        {'trigger': 'NewClinicalCase', 'coverage': cm_cov_adults,
                                         'agemin': 5, 'agemax': 100, 'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.3},
                                        {'trigger': 'NewSevereCase', 'coverage': cm_cov_severe,
                                         'agemin': 0, 'agemax': 100, 'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.5}],
                               drug=['Artemether', 'Lumefantrine'])
            add_health_seeking(cb, start_day=0,
                               targets=[{'trigger': 'NewClinicalCase', 'coverage': cm_cov_U5_high,
                                         'agemin': 0, 'agemax': 5, 'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.3},
                                        {'trigger': 'NewClinicalCase', 'coverage': cm_cov_adults,
                                         'agemin': 5, 'agemax': 100, 'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.3},
                                        {'trigger': 'NewSevereCase', 'coverage': cm_cov_severe,
                                         'agemin': 0, 'agemax': 100, 'seek': 1, 'rate': 0.5}],
                               drug=['Artemether', 'Lumefantrine'])
            return {'cm_cov_U5': cm_cov_U5,
                    'cm_cov_adults': cm_cov_adults,
                    'cm_cov_severe': cm_cov_severe}

      • For simplicity, set all intervention coverage levels >0.5 (due to the assumptions on coverage access made in this example)

      • Add additional reporters to be able to analyze results for both groups

             'Report_Event_Recorder': 1,
             'Report_Event_Recorder_Individual_Properties': ['Access'],   ## add name of individual properties
             <...other report event parameter...>  
         sim_start_year = 2000 + pull_year # for convenience to read simulation times
         for i in range(pickup_years):
             add_summary_report(cb, start=1+365*i, interval=30,
                               age_bins=[0.25, 5, 120],
                               ipfilter = 'Access:Low')
             add_summary_report(cb, start=1+365*i, interval=30,
                               age_bins=[0.25, 5, 120],
                               ipfilter = 'Access:High')  
        • Note: once we made sure it is doing what it is supposed to do, keeping reporters per group might not always be needed, depending on the research question
  • Once the burnin simulation finished, update exp_id in run_exampleSim_w8b.py

    • Update ModBuilder to have only single coverage levels for the interventions included in your simulation (otherwise result plots will look messy)
  • Run the pickup experiment (run_exampleSim_w8b.py)

  • Run the analyzer script for Week 8 analyze_exampleSim_w8.py

  • Inspect results, the generated plots as well as IndividualEvents

  • Options for further exploration:

    • Rerun burnin + pickup simulation with different ratio between low and high access group
  • Think about what other individual properties would be useful and how these could be implemented.

Check results

Simulation outputs showing summary reports per Access group used as example for individual properties img

Plot of aggregated malaria burden over time per Access group img

Report Event Recorder including individual properties img

Simple barplot showing sum of individuals per group that received an intervention img


You reached the end of the example lessons. Please check on the website for additional content for the following weeks.