
Blue version request

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am not a fan of the use of the #F0544C color, I think that #215D9C looks better
I adjusted this in the gtk-2.0/gtkrc file, but editing image files is not my thing, i assume the asset images are generated via script can someone please help my regenerate the files with the color change (assuming the maintainer does not want to add a blue version)

XFCE has so few theme choices now, but i think this is the closet to what i want (since albatross is no longer maintained)

I tried modifying all_assets.svg with inkscape and used the bucket tool and turned the red/orange images blueish but when i ran the files are still red/orange...

just found out svg images are also text file, i got it now
If you are interested in maintaining it i can make a patch file
so far the only quirk i found is the blue marker in the calculator's menu is a little too dark relative to the background
and yes i made my borders 3px thick

We don't use blue. But you can change the code and compile it yourself. For assets you have to edit it yourself.